The picture is blurry (hey I’m still not that adept with my Droid) but shows two of Houston’s finest with a watchful eye out for Sheila’s constituents as she prepared to leave Massa’s.
Showing concern for the growing scholarship scandal that has enveloped Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Sanford Bishop (D-GA) yet exuberant about that “Democrats are the party of food stamps, Republicans are the party of paychecks” thing, twenty John Faulk supporters including John himself, greeted Sheila Jackson-Lee outside Massa’s Restaurant.
Here’s John Faulk mingling with the Metro bus crowd heading home after work.
Sheila Jackson-Lee arrived around 6:00 last night; Congressman Al Green made an appearance about 20 minutes later. Al was pretty cool & quite friendly as he strolled into the restaurant entrance….alone. He stayed until 6:45 pm and strolled past us…alone… heading east on Dallas towards Louisiana.
Sheila’s handlers however, (especially the woman in the yellow skirt suit) looked at us with absolute disgust and disdain.
By my estimate 40-50 people turned out to contribute money to a 16 YEAR Congressional incumbents’ re-election campaign less than one week before early voting begins in Houston.
Pathetic if you ask me.
And I reckon someone had hell to pay over the choice of Massa’s for this event. They’ve good food but there’s only one way in and out of the restaurant (not including that side door adjacent to the tunnel entrance building). If you are Sheila Jackson-Lee and you don’t want to be held accountable for your votes on Cap and Trade, Obamacare, TARP, the Stimulus Bill, silencing political speech (the DISCLOSE Act), and rewards given to SEIU, AFT & UFCW buddies you want to have another means of escape, especially from these three constituents:
Have I mentioned THREE HPD officers were called?
Yep, Officer Villa was the first dispatched to the scene (around 6:40 pm) by an Andrews International security dude. The nice officer asked to see our papers…err….sound permit for the bullhorns. Of course all the papers were in order.
Sheila Jackson-Lee is quite agreeable to the idea of police asking citizens for their papers after all.
As the evening’s festivities wrapped up around 7:30pm, three HPD officers were now onsite at Massa’s.
Their job was to rescue Sheila Jackson-Lee from what were now NINE constituents, including one guy in a WHEELCHAIR.
Oh, and that’s not ALL that happened……