I arrived at Casa Grande around 1:20 pm, about an hour and a half after the official start. But, they had not started yet because they were awaiting the arrival of a projector. I think the San Jacinto Tea Party folks bringing it rode horses or something. Either that or they weren’t aware of the construction on I-10 inner loop and didn’t know to take 610 North and approach from that direction.
Shortly after I arrived, I did a head count, with 67 heads being in the large upstairs room that was the official meeting place. I talked to several people as they were leaving, and a few more were downstairs ordering food or drinks. I’d guess that the total attendance was between 85 and 100 for the day. I’m sure someone will correct me if I am way off but I think that is fairly close.
Several people talked about the past year, Felicia thanked a lot of people by name and videos taken by Bryan Thome were shown and commented on. One thing that amazed me is that Bryan has only been doing this since the 2008 presidential primary when he ditched has camera and purchase a camcorder. I think that he must be a very quick learner because he has produced some very fine work. Here is one of his videos that was shown:
I think that he captured the spirit of that rally very well in that video. Visit Bryan’s YouTube channel by clicking here for more of his work over the last two years.
After the speeches and videos, they set about the business of teaching people how to introduce resolutions at their precinct conventions. Which is typical of the group – play hard but work harder.
Here are a few pictures from the event: