I have on occasion criticized President Trump for some of the dumb things he has said. This is not one of those times.
President Trump has said he is a nationalist. The Democrats, with the help of the media, immediately denounced him, comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler.
Comparing Trump to Hitler is absolutely absurd and downright insulting. Trump was merely pointing out that he puts America first. Unlike Obama, Trump is not going around apologizing to countries for any grievances they might have against us.
Obama’s disgraceful apologies made him look like Neville Chamberlain who in 1938 waved a piece of paper signed by Herr Hitler while shouting, “Peace for our time.” You won’t see Trump kowtowing to any foreign leader who happens to be envious of America’s greatness.
The Democrats are also blaming Trump’s divisive rhetoric for the explosive devices mailed to the Clintons, Obamas, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, John Brennan (mailed to CNN instead of NBC) and George Soreass.
You can hardly blame Trump for some nutjob’s idiotic and dangerous behavior. It’s not Trump’s rhetoric that’s responsible. It’s the harsh anti-Trump rhetoric by the recipients of the explosive devices that is to blame.
I’m with Trump. America uber alles!
Mark Armstrong says
While I agree that (1) Trump seems to have a talent for providing the main stream media with their next talking point, (2) that media will focus on a talking point while ignoring the good things done — it would be nice if he would not gift wrap the talking point like this.
Is “patriot” so much harder to say than “nationalist?”
Joseph A Olson says
I attended the MAGA rally at Toyota Center, arrived at 10:00 am and entered the arena at 3:00 for the program that started at 6:30. I took a laminated copy of my Memorandums to the President, collected and delivered by Robert David Steele. I showed this to over a hundred MAGA supporters, and only three disagreed.
“Twin Towers Destroyed Using Clean Nukes” > controlled demolition of WTC1, 2 & 7
Howie Katz says
Joe, thank you for waiting in line so many hours to notify President Trump that the Twin Towers were destroyed by clean nukes. Had I known you were going to do that, I would have given you some documents for Trump that prove the Earth is flat.
By the way, you do know that Trump is really a black man wearing whiteface, don’t you?
Joseph A Olson says
I am a 34 year professional Civil Engineer who attended the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth DVD premier in May 2009, where they presented absolute proof of controlled demolition, but I did not accept their thermite hypothesis. I have reviewed the 70 article series on Nuclear Education at VeteransToday(.)com and
“Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons” by Gsnoper
“Ground Zero, Nuclear Demolition of the WTC” by William Tahil
I am far better informed on high rise construction, WTC construction details and controlled demolition, as well as any science or history topic than you are. Rather than condescending snipes, why don’t you debate me ?
“The naked Truth is better than the best dressed lie” > Ann Landers
Howie Katz says
There is no way I can win a debate with such a knowledgeable and experienced professional Civil Engineer, especially one who seems to be a conspiracy theorist and follower of Ann Landers.
Fat Albert says
Congratulations! You will the delusional comment of the week award!! Clean Nukes??? Really?!?!?!?!? Please promise that your won’t ever design a building that actual people will use.
Pat Bryan says
Thank you for at least not pushing the absurd ‘false-flag’ hypothesis; and saying “It’s the harsh anti-Trump rhetoric by the recipients of the explosive devices that is to blame.”
In other words, It is likely that it was a Right Wingnut nutjob defending Trump’s virginal honor who posted the bombs.
Please note that NOWHERE in the law is it permitted to react with physical force against mere words.
In fact, the “the harsh anti-Trump rhetoric by the recipients of the explosive devices” is especially protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Comparing Trump to Hitler is absolutely necessary. No American president has ever come as close to emulating a fascist dictator. But you will never know if you keep your head enclosed in the MAGA bubble.
Fat Albert says
Oh please Pat. You wouldn’t know a “fascist dictator” if one came up and slapped you in the face. Please list, for our edification, the actual actions that the President has taken that would qualify as “fascist.
I will agree that harsh rhetoric is absolutely protected by the Constitution. Please note that that would include harsh rhetoric that is spoken by those on the right.
Bob Walsh says
Trump could come out in favor of apple pie and good quality public schools and there are people on the Democrap side who would attack him for it. What Trump says means nothing to these psychopaths. I agree with you on this one Howie. Trump said nothing any REASONABLE person could object to. The media in general and their buddies in the Democrap power structure are not in the same time zone as reasonable.
DanMan says
Howie bringing out the nutters with this one.
I left work in Sugar Land at 2pm on Monday, picked up DanMa’am on my way and was able to be sit next to a brother from Montgomery County and a sister from Hunt County by 5:30pm. Great crowd, lots of enthusiasm, no hassle getting in or out of there. My hunch is the big screens outside made for a pretty good evening outdoors with a good surrounding atmosphere.
Clean nukes? I think 97 people politely pitied you Joe. The other three humored you.
Pat, the threat of violence is enough to take appropriate action. Of course threat and appropriate are subjective so your mileage may vary on the response you get.