That mild criticism aroused the RRT from its slumber. Today at 10:52:21 AM,, a mere 14 hours later, HCRP’s Social Media/Facebook Coordinator Bill Kneer jumped into the fray with this well thought out, grammatically correct response in the comments section of the editorial.
With all due respect Chairman Woodfill is right on target one again. All of us that care enough to look at this thought the eyes of concerned Americans can see this for what it is…It is an attempt by those who wish us not to be on the face of GOD’s green earth a look inside. Al Jazeera may be a worldwide news organization to some but to me they seem to be a propaganda arm to those who hate us. Yes they have been granted access to public officials in the past, so what. Rumsfeld granted interviews that makes it ok? Did Donald invite them in and look through his office? There are occasions when granting access may be useful but in this case it serves no useful purpose. In WWII would we have allowed the propaganda arm of our enemy access like this? No…Jared Woodfill is right on and that’s why there is such a fuss from the left and some on the right….(and you know who you are) are angry. Some of you wish Jared would be like other elected officials and hide behind his office and only worry about re-election. But he does not he stands for his principles and beliefs without fear. We need more like him.
Um..okay. I’m still scratching my head wondering what thought the eyes might have had. More curious is his thought about the reason for the ChronBlog’s mild criticism. When I say mild, it really is. They could well have mentioned the fact that his first email blast listed the dispatch number for the Sheriff’s office, for which he had to send out a correction a few hours later.
And what is the “you know who you are” stuff? Is it conspiracy time at the RRT headquarters? As far as standing for principles and beliefs without fear, is that why he paid the likes of Terry Lowry $6,000 to spread rumors and half-truths? And do you really think that Mr. Woodfill isn’t worried about his reelection?
I’m thinking that the HCRPRRT needs a bit more training. Perhaps create a mission statement that extends beyond chirping on Mr. Woodfill’s behalf?
As to the actual issue of allowing access to Al Jazeera’s reporter, Mr. Kneer needs to jump over to and read what Dr. Kevin Whited has to say about it.
This afternoon, I spoke with Alan Bernstein, the director of public affairs for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, about the process of approving the request from Al Jazeera. Bernstein told me that when any such request comes in, the office basically asks two questions: 1) Is the request coming from a legitimate media organization? and 2) Is the level of access appropriate for the story being proposed?
Because Al Jazeera is not a familiar local media organization, Bernstein told me that the office did pause to do research before deciding that Al Jazeera is, obviously, a legitimate media organization. The office also found Al Jazeera’s request for jail access (for the story described above) to be appropriate.
Bernstein told me that Sheriff Garcia has stressed transparency, and that the public affairs office isn’t going to deny access because of any legitimate media organization’s perspective. “It’s not up to us to decide whose bias is more important,” Bernstein said, “or if we think there is bias at all.”
In my view, Chief Hurtt and Sheriff Garcia both made the right call in granting the requested access to Al Jazeera. It would not surprise me if some of our readers disapprove of Al Jazeera as a news organization or question its professionalism because of its perspective on certain issues. Nonetheless, I would be pretty uncomfortable with a public agency that started turning down press organizations selectively, on the grounds that some people find some aspects of their reporting abhorrent. What is to stop public agencies from denying access similarly to, say Fox News (too conservative)? Or Texas Tribune (largely funded by a Democratic activist)? Or Texas Watchdog (largely funded by libertarian-leaners)? I don’t think we want to head down that road.
UPDATE: The Chair of the HCRPRRT weighs in at 12:14:50 PM today:
Well, it is typical of the Houston Comical to criticize the right for looking after the good of Harris County. What business does Garcia have for opening up the jail to Al Jazeera? After being a tool for terrorism around the world, why should they have a voice for anything in this country let alone Harris County? Of course, the Chronicle is on the left’s side, which criticizes and apologizes for anything American, is plunging us into the socialist abyss, and destroying our economy, but that doesn’t matter, and Jared’s note does? Give me a break! This isn’t journalism – another example of Pravdamerica of which the Chronicle is a prime example!
Yes, sir, with such astute commentary as that, I’d be afraid if I were a Democratic candidate in Harris County.