I mean, seriously, if interest in the HCRP at this point is so low, what can be done to increase it next year? It is hard to imagine a repeat of the enthusiasm we’ve seen at the various town hall meetings because the emotions fueling them will eventually die. The lingering question will be, why didn’t the Republican Party seize the moment?
Here are the contested races, from the Elections pages:
- Precinct 050 – currently vacant
- Precinct 098 – currently vacant
- Precinct 112 – an incumbent is being challenged
- Precinct 129 – an incumbent is being challenged
- Precinct 377 – my precinct, the incumbent has not filed yet but two others have
- Precinct 383 – an incumbent is being challenged
- Precinct 484 – an incumbent is being challenged
A couple of interesting names. In Precinct 050, Houston Area Liberty Campaign leader Bill Tofte is running. In Precinct 098, former Houston City Council Candidate Curtis Garmon is running. In Precinct 129, former Houston Mayoral Candidate T.J. Huntley is challenging the incumbent.
I would urge all of the local Tea Parties, 912 Groups, Liberty Groups, etc., to attempt to increase these filings and to do it quickly. The last day to file is January 4, 2010.
Change starts at the bottom. Waving a sign around might make you feel good but at the end of the day, someone else is making the decisions.