Here is the agenda:
A few things caught my eye as a strained to read through it:
- Additional monies to existing construction contracts: $1,061,407 – bid low, add later?
- Recommendations for County Judge to execute agreements: $1,160,000 – no bids, no detail, generic amounts?
- Request for approval of payment in the total amount of $3,220 to purchase gift cards from Target and for program-related expenses incurred at the United Way of Greater Houston for participants attending the Safe and Healthy Homes Program workshop.- wouldn’t you like to have a Target gift card for free?
- Request for approval of 12 deferred down payment assistance loans for low- and moderate-income homebuyers in all precincts in the total amount of $170,400. – why the heck is the county involved in this at all?
- Request for authorization to transfer discretionary funds in the amount of $200,000 to the County Criminal Courts at Law to continue development of the justice data warehouse. – discretionary funds? Wait, isn’t there a hiring freeze and courts are going without prosecutors?
- Parenting with love and limits co-facilitator training 10/31-11/4 Berrien Center, MI $2,966 Other – just so that Judge Emmett won’t be mad at me, I don’t know how this is being funded, it says “Other”. Waste of someone’s money.
- Request by the PID/Flood Control District for authorization to accept FEMA grant funds in the amount of $10,758,208 and for the County Judge to execute an agreement with the Texas Water Development Board for acquisition of the Brandywood apartment complex in connection with the Severe Repetitive Loss Program. – shouldn’t the investor’s of this crack haven absorb the loss? Why are we paying for it, even if it is “free” FEMA money? Besides, that crack haven isn’t worth $10 million period.
- Request by the County Judge for an executive session for consideration and possible approval of reappointments of George M. Santos, M.D., and Dr. Atul Varadhachary to the Harris County Hospital District board of managers for terms ending November 1, 2012. – Santos in office since Feb-2008, Varadhachary since Feb-2009
- Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 2 for an executive session for approval of the reappointment of Carolyn Truesdell to the Harris County Hospital District board of managers for the term of November 2, 2010-November 1, 2012.- Truesdell in office since Apr-2003
- Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 3 for an executive session for approval of the reappointment of Larry Finder to the Harris County Hospital District board of managers for a term ending November 1, 2012. – Finder in office since May-2010
The Court should NOT reappoint Carolyn Truesdell. It is time for new blood on the hospital district board. She’s been there seven years and serves as the Vice Chair. The district has taken too many wrong turns under her leadership – let someone else give it a try.
Also on the agenda is the formal adoption of the tax rate for next year.
There you have it folks. Trust me, we’ll be able to ramp up this watch over time.