Global warming is one of the biggest political issues of our time, eclipsing the impeachment of the president. The majority of the world’s scientists swear by it, but there are the naysayers like President Trump and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Jones claims that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the World Bank to control the world economy though a carbon tax. But if, like Jones, you don’t believe the climatology scientists, there is plenty of empirical evidence showing that global warming is for real.
The polar ice caps have shrunk and are continuing to shrink. Glaciers have also shrunk and in some parts of the world they have disappeared completely.
NOAA reports that the global sea level is rising at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year. But since the polar ice caps continue to shrink, it is predicted that the sea level will rise between 0.3 and 1 meter by 2100.
The truth is that the earth has undergone cycles of climate change through out its history. There have been periods when the earth has cooled down and periods when it has heated up. We are now in the period between the Ice Age and the heating up of the earth.
The climate change activists would have us believe that global warming has resulted from man’s use of fossil fuels. They demand that we stop using coal. They demand that our cars and trucks stop using gasoline and diesel fuel. They believe that all our energy needs can be met through the use of wind farms and solar plants.
Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish eco-warrior, has just been named Time’s person of the year. She has been going to many countries scolding politicians for not doing enough to stop global warming. When she received Time’s award, instead of congratulating the teenager, Trump bashed her in one of his tweets because he is one of the politicians she is directing her anger at.
Is man responsible for global warming? No! But the use of fossil fuels may speed up the cyclical process a bit. Greta and her many followers better get used to the fact that there is practically nothing we can do to stop global warming.
However, Greta’s war on global warming may not be all in vain. By reducing, if not eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels, we will be reducing air pollution. And cleaner air will result in less cancer and fewer lung diseases, which may reduce health insurance costs and prolong the lives of many people.
Life on earth as we know it is destined to become extinct. First there will be the disaster of the world’s coastal cities, like New York and New Orleans, disappearing under rising seas. That will be followed by scorching heat that will destroy the world’s food supply and kill off all remaining life.
Of course, the end of mankind is many, many generations away. But it’s coming sure as hell because the earth is on an unstoppable path to where it heats up like hell.
Slovacek Joseph O. says
Personal opinions not supported by scientific facts are just personal opinions!
Is this gentleman qualified to give scientific facts over a personal opinion on global warming??
The more imminent threat to our country and the world is the “resistance” in the media mob and democrats ( and many RINOS) who have never accepted the election results of 2016!
God Bless America !!
Howie Katz says
Sorry Joe, but I am not expressing my opinion. What I have written is based on what the scientific climatologists maintain. Your video of Weather Channel founder John Coleman, in which he maintains climate change is “baloney” shows he is the one that is full of baloney. His claim that the climatologists are saying what they say about global warming because they are paid by governments to do do is absolutely absurd. He is just another conspiracy theorist like Alex Jones. The only thing Coleman said that was right is that climate change is not man made.
Trey Rusk says
I agree that the earth is going to change. Change is constant. Heat or cold will eventually finish us off but I think it will be a cataclysmic event. A meteor, super volcano or our own annihilation. Block out the sun and it’s game over.
The President of the United States was impeached yesterday without a formal, or provable charge. The reason is because people did not like the election results of 2016.
In the grand scheme of things the end of the world does eclipse the impeachment. Just not today.
Fat Albert says
Sorry Howie, I’m just not buying it. Way too many of the “scientific climatologists” that you cite are beholden to outside entities with their own political/sociological goals in mind. Also, the scientists who take the opposite position are much harder to find and rarely quoted or cited in popular media.
Here’s the reality: In the past the Earth has at time been much warmer than it is today. In the past the Earth has been much cooler than it is today. The changes take place gradually over periods of hundreds or thousands of years. Temperatures are never static.
And, right now we don’t know which way things are going, because we don’t have enough solid data. We’ve only been able to measure temperature really accurately (+/- 1 degree) for 150 years or so. And, measuring locations have not been widely (or evenly) dispersed for more than about the last 75. We simply don’t have enough data to predict changes that may take multiple centuries or millennia.
One thing that we can be fairly certain of is that mankind has nothing to do with it. These changes have been happening for eons, long before we were around. And these changes happen very slowly. Saying there will be a “disaster” where New York or New Orleans will disappear beneath the waves is not just untrue, It’s ridiculous and often deliberately fear mongering. As sea levels rise (or fall) we will adapt and move on.
As for the rest of your apocalyptic pronouncements, they would seem to fall into the realm of theological discussion, not scientific. If you’d like to have a eschatological discussion, let me know!
Jim in Conroe says
The earth has undergone 14 “ice ages” in the last 2 million years. I use the term “ice age” to mean a period of glaciation that extends much farther south than the normal Arctic ice coverage. This is not the same as the 5 major ice ages (and we are in one now) identified by scientists over geologic time. Each period of glaciation has lasted upwards of 100,000 years and the interglacial periods have been 15 to 20,000 years in duration. We are now about 18,000 years since the end of the last glacial period. It is more probable that the next climate event will be the advancement of the glaciers, not an unstoppable rise in temperatures “. . . scorching heat that will destroy the world’s food supply and kill off all remaining life.” As far as I can determine, this latter event has never occurred in the earth’s history.
That being said, an ice age will be far more catastrophic than the modest rise in temperatures that climate models (none of which are able to hindcast past temperatures, forecast future temperatures, nor explain current temperature trends – or the lack of them) are predicting.
Don Sumners says
Howie has gone off the deep end on this post. If successful, the proposed efforts of the alarmist to stop global warming, even if it exists, will be far more damaging and sooner to humans than the predicted damage from the slow rising sea levels. I recently heard somewhere that there was agriculture in Greenland at one time not so long ago. Was the following ice an impediment to todays life? A warm period also explains the suspected travel of humans between continents in the Russia/ Alaska area. What we do know there have been many significant climate changes on earth far before the discovery and meaningful use of fossil fuels.
Manuel Barrera says
What does NASA know? We need to quit funding it.
Fat Albert says
Yeah, Manny, what does NASA know? And, more to the point how much are they pressured and/or influenced by political pressure?
Manuel Barrera says
Who is the president?
Fat Albert says
Who was the president?
Manuel Barrera says
Bush, Obama, and Trump. Are you suggesting that all those NASA scientists are beholding to Obama, the more reason to shut down NASA, don’t you think?
Fat Albert says
Actually Manuel, I’m saying that it is currently very politically incorrect to disagree with Manmade global warming theories. And, for government employees, such disagreement can have serious consequences for your career. I know that first hand, having been told by my direct supervisor to not discuss such subjects lest it result in my termination. I’ve heard similar stories from others.
So, when you cite the opinions of some NASA scientists, forgive me if I’m a bit skeptical. Because there are a lot of other people at NASA who would like to disagree, but aren’t allowed to.
Bill Daniels says
Do you really want to go there? LOL.
Obama: NASA’s mission is Muslim outreach, to try and make Muslims feel better about themselves so they stop blowing stuff up.
Trump: NASA’s mission is go back to the Moon, then on to Mars. Also, Space Force, because we already know how damaging alien invaders can be to our country. When a human lands on Mars, it won’t be an achievement of mankind, it will be an achievement of the USA, because we believe in American exceptionalism and America can still kick ass.
DanMan says
Yeesh put the Eric Dick post back up. Howie,s gone off the deep end again.
Bill Daniels says
Perhaps we should get together and buy him a carbon monoxide detector for Christmas. Maybe that’s the problem.
Bill Daniels says
Whoops! I had to check and see if I had accidentally gone to OTK instead of BJ.
The whole global [fill in the blank catastrophe] is just designed to change the balance of world power. It’s a globalist’s dream, getting Western countries to commit national economic suicide. China, India, Eritrea, Honduras, Liberia, Russia, and every other country on the globe besides the white, Western countries that aren’t Russia that can be shamed, don’t give a crap about global warming, even if it is 1) a real thing and 2) that our first world lifestyle is responsible for it.
They. Don’t. Care. Reducing the standard of living here to make leftists’ ‘green new deal’ fantasies come true isn’t going to do anything to help with the manufactured crisis, even if we agree there is one. Want proof? Why would the Obamas purchase a seaside mansion if they know it will be underwater in a few short years? A: They wouldn’t. They know it’s a scam, but it’s good for their bottom line, just like Al Gore.
Why is this forum, of all places, bringing up ridiculous bullshit? If you feel the need to bring it up, it should only be to mock it, using scorn and derision. It’s like Bernie’s suggestion during the last debate that we just get together with our enemies and all agree to fight climate change instead of buying arms to fight each other. Sweet! I’m sure ISIS, China, Iran, North Korea and all the others will get right on that! The whole thing is laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic that a significant portion of our society buys this stuff.
Howie Katz says
Bill, you are making Alex Jones proud.
Howie Katz says
Since several of you say I’ve gone off the deep end, let’s say you are right. OK, the earth will not get nearly as hot as hell, but it will at some point in the future cool down until the planet gets to the 15th Ice Age. Thus, life on earth as we know it is still destined to become extinct.
As for Alex Jones and the other conspiracy theorists who think global warming is “ridiculous bullshit”, they better get it through their heads – global warming is for real.
Manuel Barrera says
Howie you were referring to Global warming which almost ALL scientist agree with, but quite a few of the people commenting went off on a nuclear winter. You can’t win, let us just admit that the earth was created 6,000 years ago, the world flooded and eight people repopulated the earth in a few thousand years, and that those same eight people somehow repopulated and changed skin color and facial features in millions of people in a few thousand years.
Me I am still trying to figure out if God rested on the 7day, do we rest on Sunday or Saturday? Was it Saturday here or half way around the world, which would make it Sunday here? Just wondering?
Also waiting to see if that child will be resurrected, the people are praying to God resurrect the child.
Fat Albert says
1. Science isn’t a consensus kind of thing. You either have hard data and can support your theories or you don’t. You don’t get points for having people agree with you.
2. Your idea that ALL scientists agree with global warming theories is silly. How many scientists are there? How many did you poll? Does their field of study matter? Should I care what a biochemist thinks about global warming? Inquiring minds want to know.
3. Setting aside points 1 and 2, how many theories were accepted by “ALL” scientists until they turned out not to be true? Have you seen anybody talking about phlogiston lately? Just to note, I’ve been around a long time. 40 – 50 years ago nuclear winter was a theory that was promoted by ALL scientists. There were documentaries, articles, TV shows, etc. There were a number of ideas proposed to help the Earth stay warm during the coming ices age. Aren’t you glad that we didn’t implement those ideas now!?!?
As for your comments on other people’s religious beliefs, frankly that’s beneath you. You should be ashamed.
manny barrera says
I have been on this earth for 70 plus years, I don’t recall those scientists all promoting nuclear winter.
I didn’t poll all scientist, I just stated we should quit funding NASA as we have no use for scientist that believe and promote that the earth is warming.
I very seldom use the word, All, that is you changing the topic to suit what ever conspiracy theory you are promoting.
But Nuclear Winter was conditional on a major nuclear war, we have not had such a war and hopefully we never do. So I am happy not finding out if the theory is true. I do know one thing, if there is a major nuclear war, there won’t be too many people polluting the earth with a carbon foot print.
howie jatz says
Guys, even if you think I’ve gone off the deep end, you better believe that global warming is for real!
Fat Albert says
OK. Global warming is for real. So what?
Jimmy Kilpatrick says
This isn’t about the climate it’s about everything else the liberals/commies around the world want is our money and controlling the population. Well Howie how do you see or are you the one with the Tin Hat?