Seeing as how Mr. Woodfill and cohorts like to wear their religiosity on their sleeves, I thought it would be appropriate to note this lack of occasion to celebrate by reminding them that it has been 40 days and 40 nights since his momentous announcement. You know, the same period of time that old Noah had to endure the stench of all those animals on the ark. I even found them a song:
Oh, well, I can’t win them all. For the curious out there, I did ask the Executive Director, Jeff Yates, and the Deputy Director, Marc Cowart, for a status update on the project but did not receive a response. If they do respond, I’ll update and pass the information on. I guess I’ll take the count-up clock down; sigh, that was kind of fun putting the update on Facebook every morning.
FWIW, there is another re-elect Woodfill campaign event tonight disguised as some sort of Cap and Trade event. You know, like the one I went to the other night. I received another email about it just moments ago and waited breathlessly as it opened to see who the energy expert was going to be at this one! Alas, no energy expert was available.
But at least they have a few big names to draw more people out. Rep. Ted Poe will tell you how Speaker Pelosi rammed the bill through last year. Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones should be able to tell you that the bill is bad for Texas. And finally, Neil Frank will most likely tell you that the bill, if passed in its current form, will cause at least two Cat 5 storms to hit the ship channel in the next 2,000 years.
If you decide that none of that floats your boat, there are a couple of other things you can attend tonight. The Houston Tea Party Society is sponsoring another Convention Training 101 – if you go, you’ll be the guru at your precinct convention and can start a revolution. As I mentioned in another post, Eric Story will be discussing national security…and on the East Side to boot! And if neither of those appeal to you, you can stop by Texans Sports Bar and Grill and welcome Jack Morman to the fight as he kicks off his campaign to unseat County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia.
Before doing anything tonight, make certain that you are registered to vote! Monday, February 1st, is the last day to register for the March 2nd primary. This is a critical primary for Harris County voters and your voice needs to be heard. Click here to head over to Leo Vasquez’s voter registration page, print out an application, fill it out and then make certain it is postmarked before midnight on Monday!
Whatever you do, have fun doing it. Don’t be a boring Danny!