Last night a flood victim received a political Pro Pension Obligation Bond live land line phone call. Somehow the pro pension bond people have a list of flood victims. The flood victim was told they needed to keep our promise to the first responders, the flood victim then hung up.
There is a concern that a FEMA flood list or a City of Houston list is being used for political purposes. The question is how the pro pension obligation bond campaign being run by Sylvester Turner got the list and who authorized it’s use. There are others collecting information on flood victims, including the City of Houston. Any number of organizations could have given the list to the pro pension obligation folks.
Using this list is obscene and I sure hope the tactic back fires on the pro pension bond campaign. Victimizing people twice or really three times when you include the amount of taxes squandered by the City of Houston is despicable.
Don, why do you think a ‘flood list’ was used? Wouldn’t it be more likely that a regular old political list would be used?
Desparate politicians do Desparate things, especially when they are illegal.
Just vote no to this bond stuff until they actually come up with a plan to keep us dry!!!