After years of enduring one of the fiercest droughts on record, Texas officially became completely drought free in July.
Texas’ no drought status didn’t last long; on August 3rd a small portion of east Texas was classified as again being in moderate drought. But overall, it’s hard to deny that this spring’s heavy rains have provided much needed relief to farmers, ranchers, and the rest of us throughout the state.
If history is any guide, the return of the rains means that water will fade from the political consciousness, and people will go back to taking water for granted. But that would be a mistake. For if history is any guide, droughts will return. And as hard as it may be to believe, next time it could be even worse.
Texas is growing. Population is expected to grow by 20 million over the next 50 years. All of those folks are going to use water. Texas has also maintained a vibrant industrial base. That’s great for our economy, but it will require a lot of water to keep going.
To meet Texas’ long term water challenges, the state has developed a state water plan, that includes 50 year projections about Texas’ future water needs by region, and collects proposals for water projects that can meet those needs. The state has also set up a number of loan programs (most prominently the State Water Infrastructure Fund of Texas, or SWIFT) to help localities and others fund projects, which recently announced nearly $4 billion in projects it would fund over the next decade. Texas has also launched a PACE program, which makes it easier for industrial and commercial facilities to get financing for energy and water efficiency improvement projects.
While important, these measures alone are not enough. Many communities are reluctant to commit themselves to major expenditures based on projections of future growth and rainfall patterns that may or may not materialize. Even where developers are willing to undertake the risk, they can be stymied by local restrictions or threats of environmental lawsuits.
Conservation is a key part of the solution, but the way our water systems are currently funded often works against conservation. Having water utilities promote conservation is a little like having Coca-Cola try to get people to drink less Coke; there is an inherent conflict of interest involved. And to the extent that utilities use volume based water charges to cover fixed infrastructure costs, people who do use less water can paradoxically see their bills go up.
Still, the best way to encourage conservation is to set the price of water at a level that fully accounts for its costs. Attempting to limit water use through mandates and restrictions will inevitably lead to unfairness. Industries with political clout will lobby for fewer restrictions, while the burden of shortages will be shifted to others. We can see that playing out now in California (which unlike Texas is still battling drought). In April, Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order decreeing a 25 percent reduction in urban water use. Yet comparable reductions were not mandated for the state’s water intensive agriculture sector.
By contrast, increased water prices would encourage conservation across the board and would incentivize development of new water supply. No one wants to pay more for water. I certainly don’t. But if we don’t prepare for the next drought, we may find that our procrastination has proved even more costly.
Josiah Neeley is Texas state director of the R Street Institute, a free-market think tank. He lives in Austin, Texas.
Bernadette says
Texas needs to become more aware that there is other types of landscaping that builders need to start considering and getting away from all the grass sods they are putting in for us to maintain and water. I still support trees being planted but they need to take responsibilities in where they will place trees around a property so that it adds to shading rather than landscaping beauties.
Builders can work with landscaping companies to bring in the white rock looks some large stones …plants that will not require additional upkeep of watering, heat resistance and place them at the front of the property. Its up to the home owner to decide how he will want to do their own backyards.
There are the little red tiny rocks also that can be used. Builders need to analysis with the look of the house which of the rocks they will use up and down the entire streets to be uniformed.
Bernadette says
Texas needs to become more aware that there is other types of landscaping that builders need to start considering and getting away from all the grass sods they are putting in for us to maintain and water. I still support trees being planted but they need to take responsibilities in where they will place trees around a property so that it adds to shading rather than landscaping beauties.
Builders can work with landscaping companies to bring in the white rock looks some large stones …plants that will not require additional upkeep of watering, heat resistance and place them at the front of the property. Its up to the home owner to decide how he will want to do their own backyards.
There are the little red tiny rocks also that can be used. Builders need to analysis with the look of the house which of the rocks they will use up and down the entire streets to be uniformed.
Yvonne Larsen says
If drought – resistant landscaping is used, people would use less water.
With lower water bills the MUD ‘ S will have less money to pay off the bonds– and the MUD law firms.
Tom Wright says
The State should consider offering a contract to a Texas company (like Texas Instruments, etc. ) to manufacture a graphene sheet based desalination plant. Graphene sheets are only one atom thick, but are many times stronger than steel. Such sheets are entirely comprised of carbon atoms in a hexagon (honeycomb) grid. The holes in that graphene sheet grid are big enough for water molecules to pass–but too small for salt to pass. Lockheed-Martin has made a small one. They are too busy making other things and are not a Texas company. and also
Looking ahead now may avoid a crisis later. Such a solution will require pipelines, but those can be laid along highways. They will need electric power as well. During the half-century of nuclear submarines, there has never been a single nuclear accident. A nuclear power plant from a submarine (or 2) could provide the electricity, as well as more fresh water.