In 2015, former President Barack Obama and his Foreign Secretary John Kerry drafted s a nuclear deal with I ran that was joined by China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. The deal also lifted a freeze on $150 billion of Iran’s assets that were being held by US and foreign banks.
The deal was disastrous from the get-go because it allowed Iran to eventually develop nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel. And the freed-up $150 billion has been used to fund terrorist militias throughout the Middle East.
President Trump pulled out of the disastrous deal in May 2018. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran had been violating terms of the agreement even before Trump pulled out of the deal.
On November 14, the IAEA verified that Iran began feeding uranium gas into recently installed advanced 174 IR-2m centrifuges at its Fuel Enrichment Plant deep underground in Natanz,. That will allow Iran to produce a nuclear weapon in a relatively short time.
If Israel had any bombs that could penetrate the underground facilities at Natanz, the Israeli Air Force would have destroyed them after Obama’s appeasement deal. But Israel does not have any such bombs.
The US, however, does have bunker-buster bombs that penetrate deep underground and could cause serious damage to Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Israel is not the only country that wants the US to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates also want the US to attack the Natanz facilities, and they want it done now.
Joe Biden has indicated that as president he would rejoin the disastrous nuclear deal drafted by former President Barack Obama and his Foreign Secretary John Kerry in their attempt to appease Iran.
Although Trump has not conceded the election, it is quite clear that on January 20, Biden will become President of the United States. All those affidavits attesting to voter fraud that Rudy Giuliani claims to have do not constitute hard evidence, and without hard evidence Trump cannot prevail in the courts.
According to reports, last week it took the combined persuasive powers of Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to talk Trump out of bombing the nuclear facilities at Natanz.
During his four years in office, Trump has often disregarded the advise of senior government officials. Why he followed their advise in this instance is rather puzzling, especially since Iran is now close to acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Biden will allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons just like Obama allowed North Korea to become a nuclear powerhouse. And Kamala Harris will kiss the feet of the mullahs rather than risk a war with Iran.
In order to keep Biden from appeasing the mullahs by allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Trump should order a devastating air strike on the Natanz nuclear facilities, and he should do it now. And if not now, most certainly before January 20!
If that creates a big mess for Biden-Harris, so much the better.
Lorensmith says
Seems like the nuc deal was just fine until Trump came along and messed it up. Some of you pro Israeli dumasses would prefer war. Jesus.
Fta Albert says
If you actually believe that, then you’re even more clueless than AOC.
Bob Walsh says
About ninety years ago some crazy-ass former corporal wrote an interesting book, “Mein Kampf”, while in prison for political agitation. He detailed what he would do if he ever had the power to do it. He didn’t lie, but people in power did not choose to believe him.
Right now the government of Iran constantly screams “Death To America, Death To Israel.” Their stated goal is the destruction of the state of Israel and the Jewish people. They do it loud enough and often enough that you can not reasonably believe it is strictly for internal consumption.
The country is a theocracy run by religious fanatics who really believe that their god wants them to destroy non-believers. (Maybe he does.) They will CERTAINLY do so if they think they can get away with it and escape their own destruction in the process, and maybe even if they can’t escape destruction.
It takes two sides to make peace Lorensmith. It only takes one side to make war.
There are enough Jews with the little tattoos on their wrist still left that there as a lot of living memory about what happens if you just go along with the program. The Jews are not going gently into the long goodnight, not again they’re not. Nor should they.
War is horrible. Nuclear war is a multiple of that. Genocide is not a better choice. Especially if you have an option. Israel has an option. There is no doubt in my mind that their government will use that option if their collective opinion is that they must or be destroyed.
Bill Daniels says
If, I repeat IF Joe Biden manages to pull off this massive fraud, he’s quite capable of starting his own wars, he doesn’t need Trump to start one for him. Please keep in mind that Trump voters elected and reelected Trump to get America OUT of war, to end our wars… bring peace through strength, which he has largely done, although he’s having to fight our own military, and the Congress to actually end the Afghan War. Think about that. The left used to be anti war, but now? Not really? Where’s Cindy Sheehan? Where’s Code Pink?
Funny how political positions are so fluid.
As to Iran’s nuclear capability, if Israel is that concerned, they can attack Iran. Their circus, their monkey. Trump’s strategy for the ME is a winning one. Get the Muslim countries to make actual peace with Israel, which isolates…..Iran, as the outlier. Think about what that says to the theocracy ruling Iran that fellow Muslim countries would rather hang out with the friggen’ Jews than with them. Hopefully, Trump gets another 4 years to pursue this strategy, with the end goal of the Iranian people rising up against their government.
It’s a choice… in a peaceful, modern world, or live in 6th century savage world. Places like Afghanistan are going to chose the 6th century, but Iran is Persian, not Arab. They have a proud history to reclaim. They have known something besides Muslim subjugation. Continuing to flip countries to peace with Israel, making a coalition of Muslim countries against Iran will help push this, as Iran becomes more isolated in the world.
Ross says
Bill, there’s no “if” to it. Biden is the winner. Once you and the orange faced piece of garbage currently living in the White House understand that, the easier things will be. I will say I’ve been very amused by the utter ridiculousness of the legal “arguments” put forth by Trump’s legal team. The slapdown by the Republican appointed judge in Pennsylvania was awesome, essentially telling Team Trump “you all are a bunch of really stupid attorneys”.
As for Iran, the only thing they need to be told is that we don’t care what they do in their own country. If they do anything outside their own country, Tehran disappears.