In case you missed it, the Pew Research Center released a report titled “America’s Changing Religious Landscape; Christians Decline Sharply as Share of Population; Unaffiliated and Other Faiths Continue to Grow“. In it, they claim that there has been a rapid decline in Christianity as a share of population in the US, eight percent in just seven years, from 78.4{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} to 70.6{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}. Frankly, I think both numbers are inflated and the number of followers of Jesus is much, much smaller. But that is a subject for another day, today the question is, why?
Sometimes, visuals are necessary to understand things. Here’s a cartoon on the subject:
That says an awful lot in a short space. I found that toon via Perry Dorrell’s Brains and Eggs blog – don’t read it if you are afraid of the opposition. For a more lengthy treatise on religion in the public square, try reading Joe Carter’s “Under Which God”. You’ll be glad you did.
The central theme of that toon resonates with me, particularly as a follower of Jesus who happens to be a conservative Republican. Why in the world would anyone want to follow Jesus after observing the behavior of, well, Christians? Especially conservative Republican Christians? I see it everyday in the social media world of my fellow conservative Republicans. Hatred. Fear. Greed. Everything exactly opposite of what Jesus talked about.
There has been a lot of noise this week about the failure of the Texas House to pass the so-called “Pastor Protection Act“. It seems like I get an email every day from Jared Woodfill and Steven Hotze about the end of the world raining down on us if we don’t make double, triple, quadruple sure that no pastor will ever have to perform a marriage ceremony for Jack and Bill, or Jill and Hill, if they don’t want to. They never bother to think about the profound effect it would have on this society if they simply stood up in silent disobedience should they ever face that situation. But hey, they might lose their tax exempt status!
Imagine if a converted Jew named Saul had stood up on Mars Hill and, instead of proclaiming the good news of Jesus, told the crowd gathered there that the proper and right course of action was to embed religion into the state, forcing people to behave according to his understanding of morality.
Where would Christianity be today?
Why do so many people that call themselves Christians live in fear? Why would anyone want to follow people that are always afraid? Answer those questions and you’ll understand why the percentage of people calling themselves Christian in the US has declined so rapidly.
Jonathan Saenz of Texas Values wanted to make sure that everyone knows that the Senate version of the Pastor Protection Act is still alive and he expects that the full House will vote it out next week.
The Senate version of the Pastor Protection bill in the House and House State affairs passed it out Friday. From reading your article I was concerned that Texans would think that the entire bill was dead and they would get confused when they read my emails and other reports saying it’s still alive. Thanks!
Dwayne Stovall says
As the society goes, so goes Christianity.
Whether it be the success of the church, meaning the body of Christians, or the success of any government, it always comes down to the morals, character, and values of the representatives, and by the looks of it, we are failing miserably.
Sheri Edwards says
Dwayne, I believe it begins with The People. If we want liberty and virtuous leaders, we must keep the commandments and serve God.
“the people hold the power and influence, and their worthiness and light—or conversely, their wickedness and darkness—flows upwards to those in power. Therefore, when the people in aggregate are living the commandments, God can direct the leaders and thereby have confidence that His designs for the nation will be accomplished.” (Timothy Ballard, author, The Covenant: America’s Sacred and Immutable Connection to Ancient Israel)
Paul Kubosh says
“I think both numbers are inflated and the number of followers of Jesus is much, much smaller.”
I am sad to say that I agree with you. I talk to many people who say they are Christian. Furthermore, they act like Christians and are all around good people. However, when I ask the question:
Do you believe that Jesus was born from a Virgin Mother and is the Son of God? Do you believe that he died on the cross for our sins and rose on the third day? I am sad to say that all to often I get a response of No.
This doesn’t shouldn’t surprise us because we have read that this how it has to happen.
Since, this is a post about Christianity I will post a scripture
13″Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14″For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Janet Thomas says
David, there is something called righteous anger that has nothing to do with fear, greed or hatred. More people need to exhibit a bit or righteous anger over what’s going on in this country. As far as people’s understanding of morality, if you are a believer, the Bible is very clear on what’s moral and what’s not. One reason the main stream churches are losing members by the millions, is that their Christianity is lukewarm at best – God forbid they should take on any social issues from the pulpit. Thank God there are pastors who are willing to address politically incorrect issues at the pulpit. You might want to read up on the Black Robed Regiment during the Revolutionary War, a name given to the Colonial clergy by the British. These were fiery men who risked their lives and fortunes to stand for what was right.
Cypress Texas Tea Party says
Just like with politics, real change needs to be made through relationships……….changing the hearts of people is harder than just winning an argument or bullying somone into silence……….
Romans 8:28
loren smith says
Very good thought provoking post. I have often wondered who goes to heaven: the person who claims to be a Christian yet doesn’t act that way or the humble person who often helps others yet doesn’t proclaim that he/she is a Christian.
bob42 says
Namaste. May your God bless you, Big Jolly. Truth does matter, and you speak it well.
I’ve long been a believer of the notion that the greatest degree of religious freedom for the greatest number of people is observed when religions and governments are kept safely separated. Otherwise, they tend to have a co-corrupting impact on each other. I think this is why the words God, Jesus, Bible, or Christian are not present among the ~4500 words in our nation’s constitution–the same document that is responsible for the tremendous degree of freedom and diversity of individual religious beliefs.
Whatever might be suggested by the latest iteration of Pew’s Religious Landscape Survey, the fact remains that a supermajority of U.S. citizens self ID as “Christian” but our civil government is, and was clearly intended to remain neutral in matters of faith, in the interest of preserving individual (and religious) freedoms for all.
Thomas Jefferson also spoke truth and spoke it well.