I have not served on a Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Committee for years although I have attended the event annually. However, I will not be attending this year because of their ban on concealed carry weapons. Never in my wildest imagination would I think that the liberal, anti-Second Amendment thought police would dictate such a policy for an institution that I once supported both as a volunteer and visitor.

Yesterday, the local television news was filled with Joel Crowley, President and CEO of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, promoting the new policy. Mr. Crowley said that the organization enacted the policy because they only heard from individuals promoting the handgun ban. Well, now hear from me.
This year, I will not be attending any events at the HLSR – no rodeo, livestock show, or barbecue. Yesterday’s news was filled with people touting this new policy; but, the truth is that this policy makes attendees and our community less safe. Many attendees use public transportation, including light rail, to travel to and from the rodeo. Now, criminals will know that these HLSR visitors are unarmed, which makes them targets for criminal activity. Visitors traveling to the event in their car will be forced to leave their concealed carry handgun in their vehicle. I hope the HLSR is allocating more funds for off duty law enforcement because I firmly believe that car burglaries will skyrocket this year.
You cannot secure a firearm by leaving it in a vehicle. Weapons in great numbers are stolen each day in the City of Houston because of policies like this new HLSR policy. My choice is to not to be a victimized by HLSR’s anti-Second Amendment policy. I further refuse to promote the theft of weapons that place guns in the hands of dangerous criminals.
HLSR thinks this was a smart idea and I suggest that they are completely wrong. There are many law abiding citizens with handgun licenses who attend the rodeo, livestock show, and dedicate hundreds of volunteer hours to this organization on an annual basis. HLSR has made their statement and I will make mine by not attending this year. Until this policy is lifted, I officially revoke your cowboy credentials and deem the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo an anti-Second Amendment danger zone.
Very disappointed about this….
While I don’t like the policy, it may have been at least somewhat out of their hands. After all, the law does say you can’t carry at professional sporting events. And last time I checked, the Rodeo is a professional sporting event.
Greg, I was talking about the grounds, BBQ cook off, carnival, and Live Stockshow. I do not carry in the stadium. I do think they maybe violating the current law because it is a county owned facility.
Don you hit the nail on the head; it has never been legal to carry in any Sport Stadium in the State of Texas. The exhibit halls and food areas are not a Sporting event. I agree that they are probably violating the law due to the fact that the complex is County property.
Don, is it legal to carry concealed on public transport such as light rail?
Yes. Metro lost that battle a long time ago.
Bill F, yes it is legal. I live downtown and ride the rail often and would not ride unarmed.
Very interesting situation. Can’t carry at sporting events, OK, but it is also not legal for a government facility to ban firearms.
Need to get TSRA on this. There are heavy fines associated with a government body improperly banning firearms – http://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article32747301.html.
Suggested caption for the picture,”All hat and no horse”.
Why do guys like this and many law enforcement officers insist on wearing hats like this.? It’s like a caricature of the real cowboy.
Well said, Don. I am an active member of the Rodeo and I am very disappointed in their anti-second amendment, unconstitutional stance. I always associated the Rodeo with strong cowboys, clean fun, and a safe atmosphere. I don’t feel safe there any longer. Their decision was ill-timed and wrong. They have fully turned the corner towards liberalism and put their loyal fans at risk.
Outstanding Bonnie!