Every time a cop kills a black man, especially when a white cop kills a black man, BLM screams bloody murder and gets people to protest and riot all over the country.
Thee latest protests and riots started on May 25 with the Death of George Flod in Minneapolis and are still continuing.
The unrest always starts with demonstrations by blacks in the wake of a black man killed by the police. The media reports of those demonstrations quickly get whites to join in. The mostly middle-class college-educated whites soon outnumber the black protesters, Prominent at all the protests are BLM signs and signs cursing the police.
The protests often turn into riots, with protesters hurling objects at the police, looting businesses and setting buildings on fire, including police stations in some instances. Whites are just as likely as blacks to participate in the riotous behavior. On May 30, two white Brooklyn lawyers firebombed an occupied police patrol car with Molotov cocktails. And on June 13, a white woman set an Atlanta Wendy’s on fire, the location where Rayshard Brooks was killed by a cop.
But BLM’s motive is not to save black lives, but to overthrow the government. BLM uses the killing o black men by cops to foment the unrest it hopes will achieve that goal. Black lives really do not matter to Black Lives Matter. If they did, BLM would concern it self with the daily killings of black men and children by black men in Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles and the country’s other urban centers. You never hear a single word about this carnage from BLM.
Black men are much more likely to be killed by other black men than by the police. Bureau of Justice Statistics for 2018 show that nonfatal violent crimes against black people were committed by other black people 70.3% of the time. And the FBI reports that in 2018, the killer was black in 2,600 out of 2,925, or 89%, of homicide deaths of black victims.
Over the 4th of July weekend in Chicago, at least 70 people were wounded and 17 were killed there, almost all of them being black on black shootings. Children are often the victims of black on black killings. Nationwide, at least six children, ranging in age from 8 to 14, were killed during the 4th of July weekend. And on July 12, a one-year-old black baby was shot in the stomach and died when a black man shot at a group attending a family cookout in Brooklyn.
Baltimore has the highest rate of per capita shootings in the country. As in Chicago, almost all of those shootings are black on black shootings.
BLM is not the least bit concerned about any of the black on black killings, They do not fit in with the movement’s goal of overthrowing the government. They will not lead to the mass protests we are now experiencing.
The media will not expose BLM for what it really stands for. And if anyone dares to speak out against BLM, he is immediately branded a racist.
Instead of being condemned, BLM is being glorified throughout the nation. In Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser officially renamed a two-block-long section of 16th Street NW as the Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest and had a huge BLM mural painted on the street which leads to the White House. In New York. Sandinista-loving Mayor Bill de Blasio helped paint a similar mural on 5th Avenue in front of the Trump Tower. Seven other BLM street murals were painted throughout the city and those streets were also officially co-named after BLM. Those street murals have been painted in many other cities.
Many cities like New York, Washington, Seattle and Portland are giving the revolutionary movement free reign. In Chicago the police were condemned by city and state officials for preventing a BLM mob from tearing down the Columbus statue in Grand Park.
Here in Houston, Mayor Sylvester Turner and Police Chief Art Acevedo have embraced BLM. Acevedo even knelt with and hugged the protesters after 33 of his own officers had been injured and 16 HPD patrol cars were damaged or destroyed.
The protesters who established that autonomous zone in Seattle were white protesters, not black ones. The protesters who tried to tear down the Columbus statue in Chicago were white protesters, not black ones. The mobs in Portland are white mobs, not black mobs.
BLM is counting on its college-educated young white supporters to bring the government down. Sadly, the BLM revolution seems to be well on its way.
Nobody gets any political power or money from either pointing out or decrying Black-on-Black crime. A lot of people get a lot of political power and money by proclaiming White cop on Black crime, even if it is (most of the time) a demonstrably false assertion. In addition, BLM is not a social movement. It is a political and / or a religious one. Read their web site. They are anarchists. They are not interested in fixing any proclaimed problems in society. They want to destroy our society and use these proclaimed issues as the fulcrum to push our society over. Pretending it isn’t so will not make it true. They see the unique combination of many facets of opposition to Donald Trump, the Covid-19 pandemic and social unrest based on the lie of racist murdering police as their big opportunity to destroy America as a market capitalist representative Democracy. They may be right. Will will know in about 104 days.
BLM stands for Burn Loot Murder
I predicted civil unrest long before the Minneapolis incident. It began brewing in 2008 with the election of Obama. My two horse town is having a BLM March this Saturday. Our small PD is going to block traffic. Now another group of folks are coming in from East Texas to Protect our one statue. Here is their announcement:
Call to Action – PROTECT – Dickinson Texas
July 25 – City Hall – 4-6pm
On Saturday there is a BLM protest scheduled in Dickinson. There is a beautiful statue along the protest route dedicated to the Ranchers, Farmers, and Shopkeepers that built the city. Normally we would not consider this statue to be threatened, but recent events have shown that the violent infiltrators of these otherwise peaceful protests will destroy anything in their path regardless of the subject matter.
We need to show the country over and over again that we will not tolerate destruction of our monuments, regardless of what they represent. If you are tired of this senseless destruction like we are, join us at Dickinson City Hall at 4pm to peacefully protect the statue. Join the South Texas group on the AMP page for more information as we get closer to Saturday.
4403 Highway 3
Dickinson TX
Dickinson Police Department – Texas
VFW Dickinson Memorial Post 6378
Apparently no one has checked the forecast. A Tropical Depression is headed our way.
The new Harris County
we had a construction site in east Harris site get raided for all of the copper we had placed as a grounding grid for building full of equipment, the grid was to have concrete over on Monday of this week. Thousands of dollars in copper and even more in labor and equipment costs. Contracted with local law enforcement to have security provided by off duty police starting on Tuesday.
Unfortunately on Monday night/Tuesday morning they struck again and cleaned out every container of tools and equipment.
One of the perps dropped a phone. We found it when it started ringing and it was a girl asking to get her boyfriend’s phone back. We were able to see all of the recent calls, pictures, texts, etc. And she continued to call about once an hour.
Harris County deputy told us there was no point in going after the people as Harris County considers theft as non-violent and they will walk within an hour with the new no bail policy. He told us if the loss was greater than $50k the feds might take a look.
Just want y’all to be aware of how much things have changed since the 2018 election.