So I get this in the ol’ Inbox this morning from Big John Cornyn’s campaign:
Did you hear?
Wendy Davis has endorsed a pro-abortion, Obama Democrat named David Alameel in the Texas Senate race.
And he’s already attacking Senator Cornyn for being too conservative!
You and I both know the last thing Texans want is another Obama Democrat in Washington, but David Alameel is VERY WEALTHY, and he told the Dallas Morning News:
“I’ll just do whatever it takes. Money is not an issue for me.”
That’s why we need your help to fight back against Wendy Davis and David Alameel and Keep Texas Red.
If you ask me, Wendy Davis and David Alameel should spend less time embracing President Obama’s agenda. . .
. . .And more time fighting to keep the president’s failed Big Government policies out of Texas.
But that’s not going to happen because they share his misguided beliefs – and his desire to turn Texas into another high-tax liberal nanny state like California or New York.
I know we can count on you to get involved today and help us take the fight to Battleground Texas to keep David Alameel out of the Senate and keep President Obama’s policies out of Texas.
Let’s send them a message that Texans will not surrender our state.
In Liberty,
Brendan Steinhauser
Campaign ManagerP.S. This photo says everything you need to know about David Alameel – the pro-abortion, Obama Democrat endorsed by Wendy Davis in the Texas Senate race:
Unfortunately, David Alameel has money to burn and he’s already promised to spend whatever it takes to turn Texas Blue.
After reading that, I recalled something else about that “pro-abortion Obama Democrat” – he also gave money to Big John Cornyn. Quite a lot actually. And that old boy must be wealthy because he and his wife have give almost $1.4 million to various candidates and campaigns through the years.
But first let’s look at Dr. David and Martha Alameel’s donations to Big John Cornyn.
[table id=22 /]
Why lookie there! Big John took $15,500 from the pro-abortion Obama Democrat in 2005. And that isn’t counting $4,200 from Alameel’s daughter Nadya or $4,200 from Alameel’s son Mark. I guess being a pro-abortion Democrat (no one had heard of B.Hussein Obama back then) didn’t matter at the time, eh, Big John?
I wonder what all those other Republicans that took money from Alameel think about Big John labeling him as a pro-abortion Obama Democrat? You know, guys like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell? Or Sen. Orrin Hatch? How about former Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison? Rep. Tom Delay? Here, you can see all of Mr. Alameel’s contributions for yourself:
[table id=21 /]
Like I said, that’s a whole pile of money. And he spread it around pretty evenly before 2011. He even threw some at Little Johnny Edwards.
Here’s a question for Big John: have you given that money back to the pro-abortion Obama Democrat?
Here’s a thought for you voters out there. Take a look at one of these fine folks that are running against Big John Cornyn this year. You never know – you might find that you are closer to one of them than the guy that has become an entrenched Washington politician.
Linda Vega’s campaign website is
Dewayne Stovall’s campaign website is
I hope this goes viral.
You forgot to mention Congressman Steve “Barfbag” Stockman. Better Stockman than a pro-choice Obama Democrat. Right?
Barfbag? Wow,that’s original. Better Steve Stockman than Abortion Barbie or some weak ass rino.
Proverbs 13:22 says the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. In 2012, Alameel blew about 4 1/2 million on a congressional primary where he came in 4th. Total cost was over $2000 per vote.
Gives Windy something to aspire to.
I’m Tom Zakes, and I approve this message.
Like many big players, Alameel greases all sides to make sure he has access no matter who wins.
Which makes you wonder? What other candidates that are suppose to be Republicans have received monies from Democrat donors like Alameel? Can anyone say Steve Mostyn a big time Abortion Barbie supporter. Big Jolly can you enlighten us as to candidates that are suppose to be Republicans that Steve Mostyn has given to, just wondering?
“Alameel?” Hmmm… That sounds like it might be a Muslim name. Has anyone checked his birth certificate?
Lebanese Christian family.
Let me state for the record that I am not a particular fan of John Cornyn. I think that he is often much more concerned with “getting along” than he ought to be. I am not sure that he is motivated by the courage of his convictions.
That being said, I have no idea why you would want Sen. Cornyn to return campaign donations simply because of the political position of the donator.
Last time I checked, it is currently 2014. Talking about 9 and 10 year old donations and insisting they be returned is just plain silly. What appears to have happened is that Alameel has changed positions and parties in the intervening decade.
While we’re looking at who gave money to whom, I decided to look into who judicial candidates gave money to, specifically those that are running as Republicans, but donated to Democrats.
Came up with some interesting responses.
First, the statewide candidates:
Hon. Nathan Hecht donated to 4 candidates, all Republican. Hon. Robert Talton made 65 donations, all Republican.
Joe Pool, Jr. made 28 donations, one to a democrat for $25 in 2002. Hon. Jeff Brown made over 80 donations, all to Republicans.
Hon. Phil Johnson made 16 donations, with $100 going to Democrat State Rep David Farabee in 2001.
Hon. Sharon McCally made six donations, all to Republicans.
Hon. Barbara Walther made sixteen donations, all to Republicans.
Kevin Yeary made 26 donations, all to Republicans.
Jani Wood made 7 donations to Republicans, but under her maiden name made a donation in 2000 to Gerald Bourque.
Hon. Bud Kirkendall made 9 donations, all to Republicans.
David Newell made eleven, all to Republicans.
Now to the Court of Appeals race in Houston:
Dan Linebaugh made 14 donations, 5 of which were to democrats, including $500 to Windy Davis.
Hon. Russell Lloyd made seven donations, all to Republicans.
Moving to local races, in the race for the 246th Family Court, Hon. Charley Prine donated to seven candidates, including a $200 donation in 2008 to Democrat Tanner Garth.
Angelina Gooden donated to 12 candidates, all Republican.
In the race for the 247th Family Court, Melanie Flowers donated to four candidates, including Democrats Fredericka Allen and Hon. Ron Reynolds in Fort Bend County and Robert Hinojosa in Harris County.
Running for the 263rd Criminal Court, Robert Summerlin donated $63 to Independent Kinky Friedman in 2006.
In the 269th race, Hon. Dan Hinde made 5 donations all to Republicans.
In the 311th Family Court race, Donna Detamore made 3 donations, all to Republicans.
Hon. Denise Pratt made 5 donations, all to Republicans.
Alicia Franklin made 4 donations, all to Repubblicans.
Philip Placzek made 5 donations, including one to Democrat Deborah Wright in 2010.
Anthony Magdaleno made 6 donations, including 2 to Democrats in 2000 and 2007.
In the County Court 10 race, Dan Spjut donated to 7 candidates, all Republicans.
Ken Wenzel donated to one candidate, a Republican.
In the JP 4 race, Lena Engelage made one donation, Hon. Laryssa Korduba made 2, Nasir Malik made 3, Dean Combs made 3 and Louis Guthrie made 2.
All were to Republicans.
Couple of things to remember about this list:
1) I just looked at Ethics Commission reports, which would be for candidates for state office in Texas.
Someone may have donated to Gene Green or Barack O’Bama and I didn’t look for it.
Also, they may have donated to a local candidate for county commissioner or JP.
2) Some candidates have common names.
So it could be that it’s another Jeff Brown or Jeff Williams that donated, but I tried to weed those things out by looking at employers, spouse name, middle initial, etc.
3) Some campaigns may not have listed donations below the $50 threshhold, while others did.
4) I’m not saying that a contribution in 2000 to a judicial candidate in Beaumont means you’re a bad person.
But a recent donation to Windy Davis sure undercuts any idea of being pro-life!
5) I just looked at candidates in contested primaries.
I’m Tom Zakes, and I approve this message.