This past Saturday I attended the first meeting of Battleground Texas held in Houston. They are on a 14 city tour of Texas rolling out the program which is intended to start the process of turning Texas into a swing State then into a Democrat held State. They are starting to build the infrastructure now so they will be competitive in the future. I attended the meeting with a friend of mine (who is a naturalized citizen and a Democrat), she was very excited about the event (before, during and after).
Before I go into the details of the meeting, I want to take a trip down Texas memory lane. I am a person who likes History and with the talk of Battleground Texas saying they are planning on turning Texas Blue again got me to looking at our political history. When I was 8 years old my republican family moved to Texas. That year the Texas Governor was Dolph Briscoe (D) (1972). That same year in the State house there were 17 Republicans in the TX house and 3 in the Texas Senate. The first GOP US Senator elected in TX was Jim John Tower in 1960. By 1966 on the federal level TX had three GOP elected officials (to include George H.W. Bush).
Funny how people think that TX has always been red (yes no DEM has won state wide race since 1994), but since Reconstruction Texas has only had three GOP Governors (Clements, Bush, Perry) and as far as Speaker of the House we have only had two (Craddick and Straus). As for LT Governor TX has only elected 2 (Perry and Dewhurst). On the presidential side everyone assumes that TX is GOP safe, but people forget that Jimmy Carter carried TX in 1976.
So to place this in historic perspective, Texas has a short time with GOP majority and leadership. Why is this important to understand? The Democrats are going to use a ground game by being in every community building relationships to obtain more voters. How will the republicans counter this to maintain their short dominance in Texas Politics?
Why did I go through this short history lesson? Because Battleground Texas wants us to return to the Texas of old and they have a better plan to build their infrastructure than the GOP does to expand their reach.
Now, back to Battleground Texas’ first meeting, this was held at the IBEW Union Hall off the north Loop and Ella. The room was set up with 250 chairs and an area for breakouts. I would estimate the crowd between 250-300 people, with the majority of attendees between 40-60 and white. It appeared that it was an even breakdown along gender lines.
The meeting started off with Jenn Brown (who was the Obama campaign field director in Ohio) “This is a significantly larger crowd than we expected”. She went on with some welcoming remarks and firing up the crowd, which was very enthusiastic. There were several elected officials (Gene Green, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Sylvia Garcia) who all spoke for a few minutes.
Congressman Green talked about the DNC meeting with the TX DEM caucus and said they will put people on the ground and send resources and money to TX. The last time the National Party spent money in TX was in 1988 with Lloyd Benson. He closed with “We will focus on our suburban friends. We still have a problem with voter turnout and need block captains”.
Shelia Jackson Lee was the next to speak, and said that the Democrats need to vigorously be in every local race. She went on to talk about following in the tracks of other states that turned blue: NV, CO, NC. I do not agree with the Congresswomen very often, but she is so correct on her first statement. If the DEMS are going to be in every neighborhood and campaigning in every race, will the GOP step up and match them in every race, every neighborhood? Or will they follow the thoughts of some party leaders that don’t want any Republican in certain races or neighborhoods.
She then went on to use a military term we have been using to fight insurgencies “This is a battle of the hearts and minds of Texans”. I do chuckle when I hear non military people using military terms as a sound bite, without understanding the concept behind the term. But if you look at outreach or converting voters to a certain party, using the principles of counter insurgency makes sense. In a nut shell that concept is to get to know the community, understand them, build relationships and earn their trust.
She went on to say “April 4th marked the assignation of Martin Luther King, but I do not focus on the loss of his life, but rather his message of being a part of the community. Brothers and Sisters be the keeper of freedom. No one should be left out.” Are we the GOP leaving anyone out? Are we being a part of the community?
Sylvia Garcia said – Turn Harris county blue, blue, blue. Voting does matter. She touched on education and Medicare. She said we must protect the future for our children, protect the elderly, veterans, and the disable. We need more Wendy Davis’/ we all have to work together.
Jenn then started the presentation on Battleground Texas. “Why? This model works in other states. What works in your neighborhood?”
In the first six weeks they have a reach of 3 million people on Facebook. “The GOP sends out their chain emails “with lies”. We will counter every lie. We will have a larger and better digital presence.” This not a far stretch when you look at how the GOP uses the digital world compared to the DEMS.
She said she agreed with Senator Ted Cruz on one statement:
“In not too many years, Texas could swing from being all Republican to all Democrat. If that happens, no Republican will ever again win the White House.” Ted Cruz, from a Ryan Lizza story in a November issue of the New Yorker
Some have said that Texas could never turn blue, but I wonder what the DEMS were saying in 1961 when the first GOP was elected. Did they say “oh the Republicans can never control Texas.”
The three main topics they focused on were Education, Immigration (more of the Dream Act) and Health care. These are standard talking points of the DEMS, but they are packaging the message in a way to tug on the emotions of the voter not the practical aspect.
They have a three pillar approach to their program to build infrastructure and start turning Texas Blue:
- Registration – register new voters and re-register old voters
- Persuade – Talk about your candidate to your neighbors. Persuade likely voters open to campaign message
- Turn out the vote – Educate. Go door to door. A lot of voters say “my vote does not matter” talk with them and let them know how their vote matters.
Sounds simple and I am sure the Republican Party has said the same thing. But the difference is that the DEMS have a chairperson in every precinct in Harris County where the GOP has about a 60{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} fill rate and the GOP also makes perspective chairs take a test. In addition the DEMS are out in all the communities talking, are we the GOP in every community talking?
Jenn went on to say “It happened because we built an unprecedented grassroots organization that did the above. The most powerful organizing happens right in your neighborhood. Talk neighbor to neighbor.”
They want to have field organizers who have neighborhood leaders that will build teams in their neighborhoods. These neighborhood teams knock on doors in the neighborhood or phone calls in the neighborhood, etc
Below is a depiction of how they want to organize:
I did not stay for the breakout groups, but my friend did and she gave me brief on what happened. The Breakout section was grouped of about 20 people with the three following questions:
- What are your community’s organizing strengths?
- What do you see as possible roadblocks to organizing in your community?
- What role do you see for Battleground Texas in your neighborhood?
During these sessions they were in groups of about 20-30 people and the discussion was by the audience not the organizer. My friend was in a group that Shelia Jackson Lee was sitting in, and the congresswomen did not say a word, she just listened. That is a key thing, the person who has a machine in Houston and knows how to get the vote out took the time to just listen with no comments. In her group they talked about how the GOP is better at messaging they are. They also were afraid to post on Facebook their political views, but the GOP is not and they should do the same. They also said they believe in family values.
The three questions listed above should also be asked by the GOP, not answering, let the people tell you about their community and how to win in each neighborhood.
There are some in the party that do not want to support challengers against DEM incumbents. The reasons range from “We can’t win”; “Think Strategic by packing all the DEMs in one district”; “It hurts the bottom of the ticket”; “If we do then they will get more DEMS out to vote”. I have also been told that there have been “Deals” made for certain district. When I hear all of those comments I have to shake my head in disbelief. If Jim John Tower or George H.W. Bush or Clements had those same views Texas would still be a DEM strong hold.
So what action should we take to counter Battleground Texas? Do we keep the attitude of not supporting challengers in DEM districts so the DEM will not have to defend their few seats? Or do we make them spend all their time and resources defending what they have so they do not have the money or resources to challenge the GOP outside of DEM districts? I say we challenge them in every district, every neighborhood and every prescient.
We start by going into every neighborhood and start getting to know them and more importantly letting every neighborhood get to know us. We need to start building relationships in every neighborhood and start building trust with them. Last October when Bob Price interviewed me he asked about the “Shelia Machine”, I said we need to build a bigger, better, strong machine. Now is the time to get involved!
Spend some time reading their sites and information on their staff:
WEBSITE: http://www.battlegroundtexas.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/#!/BattlegroundTexas?fref=ts
TWITTER: @BGTX and hashtag #GameonHouston
Executive Director: Jenn Brown
Jenn Brown is an Obama for America veteran. In the 2012 campaign, she was field director in Ohio, overseeing a 600-person staff among 130 offices. She’s been all over, though. She was the Minnesota State Director for the Obama Campaign in 2008 before being promoted to Regional Field Director, and she managed 9 states during the 2010 midterm election cycle for OFA. And she’s from California, a graduate of UC-San Diego. She has lessons from everywhere to pull from for Texas.
Digital Director: Christina Gomez
You might be more familiar with Christina Gomez’s comedic work at #WhenInSession, but this native Texan has a quality resume of electing Democrats. She served as a digital strategist for the Democratic National Committee during the 2012 cycle. She earned her stripes here in the Lone Star State, though, when she worked for State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer and then the Mexican American Legislative Caucus. Oh, and she seems pretty happy to be returning home.
Senior Adviser Jeremy Bird and 270 Strategies
Battleground Texas is advised by the 2012 National Field Director for the Obama Campaign, Jeremy Bird, who now runs 270 Strategies, a “people-centered, data-driven, and digitally-sophisticated” firm that “unites some of the best and brightest talent among democratic politics today.” He helped create and implement the neighborhood team organizing model
Also see: Pondering Penguin: Inside a Battleground Texas Organizing Meeting
If this is the “test” mentioned above, I flunked.
Well done, Sean! Good to know my friend Laura and I weren’t the only 2 Republicans there! We arrived just as Jenn Brown was revving up so we missed the elected officials speak. We knew they were there, just didn’t see them. It was extremely well organized, which was really noticeable. I agree, we have to get out to every district, community, county area. Not just once a year with a bike or a turkey, but regularly attending events and talking to people. My Republican Women’s club will be participating in a big event next month with a prominent group of Hispanic business leaders. The local efforts will need lots of money and volunteers to be successful. So far we haven’t seen much will for that, though.
spot on! And we go in to serve.. not to pander. There are parks, vacant lots, homes that need paint and repair. We need to help. A fb friend said to go to the Priests and Pastors cause they know who needs what. We do this with a giving heart… not a " what you can do for me" attitude.
You are right on Sally….I preached this for over 10 years and it did not go any where..what Sean said is the truth in black and white…but there is more on who they plan it out and go about organizing it. I shared it with 10 persons…and what did they do with the info I gave them…running around from one group to another group with cameras and videos ready to roll and interviews…and still blogging..that is easy work to get recognize. They work is just what Sean said the Demos are doing…they don't run around blogging and contradicting each other or being dissagreable…they speak with each other….NOT AT EACH OTHER…with each other is their conversations and hearts into it. I am shaking my head now….after all these years and I am glad Sean wrote about it…where is Jeff Yates on this now, where is Ed Hubbard on this now, where is Paul Simpson on this now, where? comments? I am ready to hear the negatives….where is the Tea Party on this? Where is the entire groups of women in our Republicans met-ups? Welll, my retirement days are around the corner. I feel its time to sit and watch…just watch…buy myself a great camera and start taping … This is was last conversation with Mrs. Borah in January and she was amazed of what was share with her through me…we were up to past 3:15 a.m. in the morning..speaking about this very moves they are planning. Thanks very much Sean. At least I am glad to see you, Chris, Anthony and myself circulating our travels into the Demos control neighborhoods. ha..ha..ha… I am not being sarcastic I am being very pointed and direct. Like it or not…it is the truth and you know it. Oh, I also share it with Tina Gibson of Ft. Bend country and she took was shocked…I am going to call her and tell her read this and she will be going down "memory lane" with Berna Mac's presentation privately with her. shaking my head. The Demo has Montgomery on their sights big time, oh…but they are overly confident that what happens in Harris County ain't going to happen up here. Just wait … when the tornado comes it will surprise them too. I pray I am alive because they did not want to listen either…..good night.
Given this is the political wing that elects Straus as speaker, the irony is they will likely succeed.
Hey, GTO, good to hear from you! I talked to Adee a few weeks ago and wanted to help on the problems JI had but he wasn’t interested. Let’s go to Dinner Bell again!
I think you mean John Tower, not Jim Tower
Its NOT how to get out in the local community, its how to better communicate our message. Woodfill continues to get re-elected to head the Harris Co GOP. He needs to go. Sending a few bicycles into low income neighbors is NOT going to change the minds of the people that live there. The message that the Dems bring is more government support more welfare, more food stamps, more free education, more Texas Lone Star cards, etc.
The democrats are coming to take Texas back! I am afraid the GOP is gonna start losing the stronghold when the people wake up and see they are really free to vote in their own interests and not the churches and companies who fund their so called leaders. I am thinking of the GOP record in Texas with pretty much everything from Education, Healthcare, Gun Control, etc. etc. etc.
Its like the are sleeping giants waking up to the fact that the GOP has just about ruined everything and its time to kick off the chains of ignorance and wake up and say “We are going to have a debate about ideas and words and beliefs again. Not just we always vote this way, but a real democracy.”
Its weird when you think about it. Losing Power, back to the people, because these leaders have failed and the people are waking up. I just think of the wacky stuff Ted Cruz has been doing or Rick Perry running around praying about everything. Obstructing and whining about budgets that grow with demographics and seem out of control to older people, versus really addressing the needs of the People now and in the future.
No, we might be in for a real fight, especially if the Democrats pick a contender for Governor in 2014. Time to get back to work, the boss is coming…
Hello David. i seldom cross the West Belt these days. I may be near Dinner Bell this weekend or one when I go work on my boat. I gather you saw that ‘story’ about JI.
Agree Berna, you were one of the first ones to start discussing this with people. Many of us have known about this plan for years and shared details with GOP ‘leadership’ here in Texas and DC and what did we hear??? *crickets* The GOP is very, very far behind and until some infrastructure issues get reseolved they will keep circling the same wagons with their silly blinders on…. Some peeps can’t do all of the work for the entire GOP, it’s time Rs think strategically and get off their hineys and start engaging people. In addition Rs need to start creating policy solutions…most of them aren’t even giving people an alternative to the Dems, hello…. Dear GOP, stop talking AT people and start talking WITH them in their neighboorhood/communities. Stop slapping togethet quasi-outreach ‘strategies’ that time and time again DON’T work. If you don’t know key folks in communities why are you wasting everyones time with your fluff ‘outreach’? Secondary influencers peeps, wake up. Stop talking around communities, involve them. Sheesh.
//www.facebook.com/events/508307495871084/Please view the preceding site. the "RHCIA" has boots on the ground! I will post and discuss the turn out, the feedback and results later in the day.
Hello every one , I just wanted to inform you all how my Saturday in Settegast Park went. I can find only one word to describe it , and that word is “Idyllic”
For those of you who don’t know Settegast park is located in the Heart of the East Side Community. The weather cooperated by bringing a perfect Spring day with a light breeze. Directly behind me ,across the street were a couple of homes proudly displaying American flags. In front of me, a Birthday party was being held under the Gazebo , complete with air slides. On my right , under the basketball pavilion an energetic pick-up game of half court basketball was in progress. In the other half , a sight that reminded me how wonderful and beautiful my heritage is . Music by a Tejano band was being played , not loudly and rudely , mind you , but just loudly enough to waft through the air to where we had set up our station . A group of teenagers were practicing their dance steps for an upcoming Quinceniera. If I had to choose one thing that could describe the spirit of community and cooperation within the Hispanic population . This would be it. A “Quinceniera” is an elaborate coming of age party wherein many people are given the honor of being “God Parents” one set pays for the musicians , another set pays for the food , the hall, etc. Later when one of those “God parents'” child turn 15 they give the same honor to those they helped contribute to before. The young Lady pictured alone by my bike is the Birthday girl.
I would elaborate on why I felt I had to share , but I think some of you need to get a feel for who you are trying to reach..I spoke with many people some Men , some Women. We bantered comfortably switching from English to Spanish, A few no longer even lived in the neighborhood , they just simply returned to visit where they grew up bringing their children. Mr C. Flores 31 a first generation American, Parents Naturalized citizens, grew up here . He is a registered voter. voted as his parents did til this next time he says. His main concern Immigration. He’s worried that the labor market will be flooded with such cheap labor that his pay will go down..Casandra S. 29 , wow, another registered voter voted Dem in 08′ voted rep in 12′ still lives here, her concerns turn more towards Education and affording tuition for her child.
Another Gentleman that arrived as we were packing up to leave was the most memorable he is pictured here also . A 46 years old , “Desert Storm” Marine Vet, registered voter, He is fed up with out of touch Politicians who have forgotten the people they were voted to represent , and the Constitution they were sent to defend.
These citizens were not ranting and raving , they were very well informed. Are you amazed ? I wasn’t , I’m one of them .
What I did was very simple , I took a few bags of assorted chips , a few cases of cold bottled water , Gave it away to some children . (Ever heard the saying “and a child shall lead them” ?) then here came the parents to thank us ..It started with “What exactly are you doing here “? and then I spoke with them. What did I say ?
come to the next scheduled meeting of the RHCIA and I’ll tell you..I want to thank my “Better Half” Marjie for keeping the children engaged as I spoke with the parents.
I could go on and on on what those three little hours accomplished, but you just had to have been there…