The 2014 Primary begins today! From the Republican Party of Texas:
Precinct Chair Filing Period Begins Today!
Today marks the FIRST day of the 2014 Republican Primary Election. Today County Chairs will begin accepting applications from Republican voters who would like their names to appear on the ballot as a candidate for Precinct Chair.
Serving as a Precinct Chair is the most effective way for you to make an impact. The primary duties of the precinct chair are to serve as a member of your county party’s executive committee, engage your Republican neighbors and motivate them to vote, identify new Republicans in your neighborhood and make sure they are registered to vote, be sure your neighbors are informed on the positions of our Republican nominees. In other words, the precinct chairmen are the backbone of the Republican grassroots!
To qualify as a Republican Precinct Chair you must be a registered voter in the precinct you wish to represent and cannot vote in the upcoming Democrat primary.
Please find the Precinct Chair Ballot Application on the Secretary of State’s website here. Note that these applications must be notarized and returned to your Republican County Chair.
The filing period for Precinct Chairs starts Tuesday, September 10th and ends on Monday, December 9th at 6pm. You should file your application with the Republican Party County Chairman in your county.
Precinct chair is one of the most important positions in local politics. Here in Harris County, fewer than 50{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the precincts have a Republican chair. Don’t wait for “someone else” to fill the position. Remember – YOU ARE SOMEONE ELSE! And BJP is here to help you with candidate training – click here for the details.