Here is a lesson for President Trump from Kenny Rogers’ song ‘The Gambler’:
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
The rules of the game are for an outgoing president to concede the election he has lost, to invite the incoming president to the White House, and to have his administration cooperate with incoming president’s transition team, all of which Trump refuses to do.
In refusing to concede the election, Trump is either a delusional psycho or the egomaniac jerk he’s been all his adult life.
Trump, layers like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, and many who worship at Trump’s feet insist that the election was stolen from the president by the Democrats using rigged Domino voting machines and other means of voting fraud.
An unhinged Giuliani claims to have hundreds of sworn affidavits attesting to the observation of voter fraud. But the sworn statements of witnesses claiming they observed voter fraud is not hard evidence, and without hard evidence, Trump cannot prevail in the courts.
Then on Thursday, when she was still on Giuliani’s team of Trump lawyers, Sidney Powell made some of the most outlandish claims any lawyer has ever made. Powell, who often repeats QAnon conspiracy theories, made the crazy claim that Venezuela, China, Cuba, George Soros, and Dominion Voting systems were all involved in a plot to throw the election to Biden. She also stated that Georgia’s Republican governor and secretary of state were bribed by communists to hand a victory to Joe Biden. And days before, Powell proclaimed she was going to “release the Kraken.”
When Trump’s lawyers challenged the vote outcome in Pennsylvania, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann threw the case out of court, ruling it as “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations,” while stating “This claim, like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together.”
Trump and other Republicans have filed over 30 lawsuits in six swing states. None of the courts in which these cases were filed have found even a single instance of voter fraud.
Then there is the conspiracy theory of Domino voting machines being rigged to switch Trump votes to Biden. Dominion Voting Systems insists “It is not physically possible for our machines to switch votes from one candidate to the other. If any electronic interference had taken place, the tally reported electronically would not match the printed ballots. And in every case where we’ve looked at in Georgia, all across the country, the printed ballots, the gold standard in election security, has matched the electronic tally.’
It is so sad that those who worship Trump believe all the crazy conspiracy theories put forth by Trump, QAnon, Sidney Powell, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. Those Trump worshipers have their feet planted firmly in concrete and there is no way to convince them that those crazy conspiracy theories are farfetched. Every day for the past couple of weeks that he’s been on the air, Roach Limburger has spent hours telling his dodoheads how the election was stolen from Trump.
Chris Christie has been a staunch ally of Trump ever since he announced his candidacy for president. Christie has told Trump to “put up or shut up” about any evidence of voter fraud. He says that the president’s legal team is “a national embarrassment” for questioning the election results without presenting evidence of voter fraud. He noted that Giuliani and his team alleges fraud outside the courtroom but “when they go inside the courtroom, they don’t plead fraud, and they don’t argue fraud.”
Christie says it’s time for Trump to concede and to order his administration to cooperate with Biden’s transition team.
Democrats and some of America’s leading Jews are comparing Trump to Hitler because of the way way he has been acting since the election. That is as outrageous as the crazy conspiracy theories put forth by Sidney Powell. I happen to know something about Hitler, having lived under der Fuhrer’s rule from 1933 until my family came to the US in 1936. Believe me, there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever between Trump and Hitler. Those who make this comparison should be ashamed of themselves, especially the Jewish ones.
Trump has accomplished much good as President. He really made America great again. He rescinded Obama’s business stifling regulations. His policies resulted in one of the most robust economy this nation has ever experienced. He withdrew from Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal. And unlike Obama, Trump did not appease foreign leaders who had an axe to grind with the US. But instead of a legacy about his accomplishments, Trump’s legacy will be his attempts to overturn the election.
The very last thing I wanted was for Biden and Kamala Harris to win the election. I voted for Trump despite the fact I thought he was a big jerk. But the election is over and all those conspiracy theories will not stop Biden from taking the oath of office on January 20.
If Trump has any decency, he will concede the election, order his administration to cooperate with Biden’s transition team, and invite Joe and Jill Biden for a visit at the White House.
DanMan says
you’re a weird dude Howie, but typical for a democrat I suppose
Bob Walsh says
Why is it that nobody had a spaz attack when AlGore ran the 2000 election out for 37 days but many people think Trump is the anti-Christ for pursuing legally available remedies to what he honestly believes (but may be wrong about and almost certainly can’t prove) is massive vote fraud. I am old enough I remember the 1960 election. Pretty much every dead person in Texas and Illinois voted for Kennedy-Johnson. Massive voter fraud is part of the standard Democrat playbook, if they think they can get away with it. This doesn’t mean that Trump is right, but it doesn’t meant that he is wrong either. He will probably lose. That isn’t the same thing as being wrong.
Howie Katz says
Sorry, Bob, but you got that wrong about the Kennedy-Johnson election. I don’t know about Illinois where Kennedy won by 9,000 votes, but here in Texas Kennedy won by 46,000 votes and those were not dead voters.
However, in 1948 LBJ did win his senate seat with the help of dead voters. During a runoff in the Democratic primary, it appeared that Johnson was barely winning when at the last minute officials in Duval County found an additional 202 voters during a recount. “These voters ‘lined up’in’ alphabetical order at the last minute, signed in the same blue ink in the same handwriting and all cast their ballots for LBJ.” A number of these voters were dad and helped LBJ seal a win.
Trey says
I’m sticking with President Trump. Let’s let this election play out in the courts.
Fat Albert says
I am certainly willing to believe that the Democrats have committed fraud on a massive scale. I am willing to believe that Donald Trump actually won the election.
But, in order to convince me of such things you actually have to produce PROOF! It’s been 3 weeks. (And, by the way this isn’t comparable to the Gore/Bush election where the time was taken moving the case through various Judicial venues. The facts were known in that case.) So fat Trumps lawyers haven’t been able to produce a single case where any kind of substantial fraud was involved. So, it’s put up or shut up time. Show me some proof, not some bogus Qanon conspiracy theory, or STFU.
DanMan says
Georgia shows to have counted over 930,000 more absentee ballots than were sent out.
Pa. state judge halts election certifications until hearing on Friday
Bill Daniels says
Ask, and you shall receive. There are numerous threads here about the various frauds committed in different jurisdictions, cheating using multiple modalities, and also about the various court cases:
Trey says
REMEMBER THIS DAY…. Stock market above 30K; US is Energy Independent; Gas under $2 a gallon; and No New Wars for over 4 years.
This is posted for the admitted Never-Trumpers that includes you Howie.
Howie Katz says
For those of you who keep harping about massive voter fraud or call me a Never-Trumper, let’s compare the election to a ballgame:
The Ninth Inning
It’s the bottom of the ninth. The Democrats are leading by one run over the Republicans, but the Republicans have loaded the bases. Heavy hitter Donald Trump is at bat. The count is 3 balls, 2 strikes. Joe Biden, the Democratic pitcher, throws a screwball. Trump swings and misses.
Trump argues with the umpire that Biden threw an illegal pitch. Republican team manager Rudy Giuliani joins in the argument while the fans are eagerly awaiting the decision.
Several team members joined in and each one told the umpire that Biden’s pitch was illegal because the Chinese had hacked into the ball to prevent Trump from getting the game winning hit.
After some time that seemed like an eternity to the fans, an irritated umpire dismissed their arguments and ordered them off the field.
Suddenly Sidney Powell jumps onto the field screaming that the umpire has been bribed by the Chinese communists and threatening to unleash the Kraken before two guys wearing white coats snag the crazy woman with a butterfly net and drag her off.
Trump and Giuliani are appealing the outcome of the game to Commissioner John Roberts, but all the sports experts predict he will refuse to hear their arguments, or if he does, he will rule against them.
Diehard Trump fans, get this through your skulls: The ballgame is over!
Bill Daniels says
John Roberts has been compromised. He’s a no vote for Trump. The problem for never Trumpers is…..he isn’t the deciding vote anymore! The fraud will be proved, and guess who’s on deck? Clarence Thomas, a guy who has waited almost 3 decades for payback against Joe Biden for his part in the Anita Hill character assassination. Lots of Trump supporters have cold anger about what leftists have done the last 4 years. Imagine how much cold anger Thomas has.
Trump vote 1.
Then there’s Brett Kavanaugh. He’s got a very similar ax to grind with Kamala, for exactly the same reason. Think of how satisfying it will be for Kavanaugh to be the one to tell nasty Kamala that she ain’t in no ways ~~tired~~ gonna be the V.P. When The SCOTUS rules for Trump, I will drink a beer, in Kavanaugh’s honor.
Trump vote 2.
Gorsuch is a reliable Constitutionalist and Trump vote, so he’s…..
Trump vote 3.
Alito has already written a statement about the late ballots in PA, so we can be sure he’s……
Trump vote 4.
That leaves Amy Barrett as the swing vote. After the abuse she took from leftists not just this go round, but last time when “The dogma lives loudly in you” Feinstein and others harangued here, how do you think she’s going to vote? Pro-tip:
Trump vote 5.
That’s game, set and match, Howie. Bet it. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if Breyer votes for Trump. He’s old, probably looking to retire, and doesn’t want his legacy to be that he threw in his lot with an overt, corrupt Dem. Party that blatantly cheated to try and win an election.
So that leaves the wise Latina, the crusty lesbian, and John Roberts, block voting in vain to try and pretend the fraud isn’t real. Nobody really believes that, Howie. Did you see Biden’s ‘Thanksgiving address?’ 1,000 people viewed it live. 1,000 people. That’s like 20 people per state. Do you really think that a dullard like Biden, who couldn’t draw a crowd, got the most votes of any presidential candidate ever, in history? C’mon, man!
Howie Katz says
In your wildest dreams, Bill.
Bill Daniels says
What part do you disagree with? To help guide your decision making, I’ve enclosed this VERY recent handy dandy SC decision. Note that Amy Barrett sides with the good guys here, Roberts, as expected, sides with tyranny, but his vote is now irrelevant. .
DanMan says
Good on ya Bill
I can’t be the only that sees the hypocrisy in Howie’s take, and I’m just going off the headline. I bet his word salad reinforces the notion.
Howie do you believe there was any fraud perpetrated in this election?
Do you believe Dems ever accepted the results of the 2016 election?
Do you believe Russia was the reason Trump won in 2016?
Do you think the 74 million that voted for Trump should just accept the 2020 results without question like you never did the 2016 election?DanMan
Howie Katz says
Yes, no and no, Dan. But where do you get that I “never did the 2016 election” crap?
Howie Katz says
Bill, first of all, the case in your link has nothing to do with the election.
And if you believe the justices you named are going to make their decisions based on personal peeves, then you’ve gone off the rails.
Daniel James says
Holding out hope that the corrupt democrats cant steal OUR republic.