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Time To Admit Global Warming Is For Real And Largely Manmade

climate change

Conspiracy theorists have long held that global warming (aka climate change) is a hoax perpetrated on us by far-left scientists.  They cite as proof every time there is an extreme winter storm like the one just experienced by the Midwest and Northeast.

On Friday NASA released a report on Global Warming and Climate Change. The report was based on the findings of top scientists from 13 institutions. It says, “Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities.”

The gloom-and-doom report predicts dire consequences to the health and well-being of the American people. The scientists warn that we will experience increasing extreme weather, poorer air quality, the spread of new diseases by insects and pests and shortages of food and water. If carbon emissions continue unabated, dangerously high temperatures, rising seas, deadly wildfires, torrential rainfalls and devastating hurricanes will get worse than they are already.

Environmentalists quickly shouted ‘we told you so’ while the all-knowing conspiracy theorist Donald Trump pooh-poohed the report.  He now admits there is warming but insists it will cool down.

I’ve always maintained that global warming and global cooling are cyclical, and that man plays a minor role in producing climate change.  But in the clash between some of our top scientists and Trump, I’m no longer going to doubt the scientists. I just don’t see them being part of a vast left-wing conspiracy out to destroy our economy. They are not Obama scientists, nor are they Hillary Clinton or Al Gore scientists.  I believe they have provided us with credible evidence to prove that Global Warming is for real and to expect dire consequences if Greenhouse Gases are not drastically reduced.

Let’s face it, we and the rest of the civilized world have become dependent on fossil fuels … petroleum, natural gas and coal. When we’re talking about carbon emissions we’re talking largely about cars.  We’ve done a lot to reduce air pollution.

I remember a time when coming down from the high desert on I10 near Indio you could see off in the far distance a menacing rust-colored cloudy sky.  That was the smog engulfing Los Angeles and other nearby cities.  With pollution controls you don’t see that cloud anymore.   But let’s not kid ourselves, cars continue to be major contributors to carbon emissions.

The problem is even worse in China, India and the developing counties in Asia.  The coal burning factories and smoke belching motor vehicles make high noon look like dusk at sunset time.  I’ve been to Beijing and Shanghai when the air pollution was so thick, I thought it was a heavy fog.  It was the same in Katmandu, Nepal where you would think the rarified air would be pollution-free.  But Katmandu’s motor vehicles go about belching out thick smoke.

When I was in Mexico City, the pollution was so bad you could hardly see the nose on your face.  However, my sister just spent several days in Mexico City and says the air there was no longer polluted.

China and India are probably the worst of all polluters.   Although China has made some strides in reducing carbon emissions, the smoke stacks of their coal-fueled factories continue to belch out tons of thick smoke.  I do not believe India has done much to reduce carbon emissions.  Adding to greenhouse gasses is the fact that many of the 2-3/4 billion Chinese and Indians, especially those in rural areas, cook their meals on small charcoal burning grills.

While the United States and Europe have done much to reduce carbon emissions, much more needs to be done, and done sooner than later.  Rolling back Obama’s coal controls may appeal to coal miners but it won’t do anything to reduce greenhouse gases.

What are we going to do about the thousands of aircraft, both civilian and military that are up in the air every day in the U.S. alone?  And what about our military forces?  Those tanks and self-propelled artillery pieces and rocket launchers belch out gobs of diesel burning smoke.  It’s not just our tanks, but it’s also the tanks of NATO, Russia, Israel, Egypt, China, North and South Korea, etc.

Environmentalist say we should depend on our electricity needs solely on solar and wind power.  I have some serious doubts about that.

Are people willing to pay the price for the changes the new NASA report calls for?  I don’t think so.  Just look at what happened in France Saturday.    When French President Emmanuel Macron raised fuel taxes as a means of getting people to drive their cars less, there was rioting in the streets of Paris.

The problem is that people want to believe the climate change deniers like Trump and the conspiracy theorists who insist global warming is a hoax.

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