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Thugs and Hugs

What shocks me is the fact no one from the GOP has said the phrase we all learned as children; I’m Sorry. No one has to assume blame for this alleged act of thug-like behavior. Does anyone think Steele wanted his thug/bodyguard to upset David? Of course not, however what does it hurt for the GOP to say I’m Sorry? I’ve known David long enough to understand he felt like something wrong had happened. More than likely the alleged thug was over zealous in his job and said some things he shouldn’t have. Kind of like the mistake of let’s say, someone signing off on thousands of dollars worth of nudey bar charges. Let’s remember bodyguards are hired for their ability to take a bullet, not deal with renegade bloggers.

Don’t we all want to hear I’m sorry when we feel we’ve been wronged? Or, no more than “I’m sorry you feel that way”; or “I’m sorry you felt like my employees treated you unfairly”. Perhaps “I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted” or “I understand how you could feel that way, and we all are very sorry that you had a bad experience at the rally”. Maybe even a “Please accept this autographed picture of Todd Palin and hope to see you soon”. Now that’s what someone in the private sector would do.

But that’s not how the party membership responds. First they say it didn’t happen, and then it wasn’t hot in the meeting. One went so far as to say if David weren’t so heavy he wouldn’t have been hot or need to go outside and meet the alleged thugs. One blogger from the GOP deemed it necessary to play the race card. Give me a break, the GOP playing the race card? I guess they’ve got’em stacked up and wanted to recycle one. Yeah, from the same group who everyday on facebook say “Praise Jesus and I’m so blessed” and “I’m praying for you/pray for me” and so on and so forth. How about walking the talk once in a while? Or how about we show David a little bit of that old time forgiveness? No, it’s more fun to beat him up for things he’s said in the past. But I bet there’s plenty of forgiveness hugs for alleged thugs.

Alvin Walker is what we call a “super volunteer” for Republican candidates in Harris County and has contributed to Big Jolly Politics Op-Ed section in the past. I  appreciate his unsolicited thoughts and support. David Jennings



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