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Texas US Senate Race: Ted "Pac Man" Cruz

I was beginning to think that the Dewhurst campaign had packed it in because things had grown awfully quiet. But they were working on a funny video showing how much money Ted Cruz is getting from Washington insiders.

Those of us that support the Lt. Gov. need lots more help like this. For the life of me I cannot figure out how Cruz became a Tea Party favorite. He’s the ultimate insider, having never worked a day in his life outside big government and big law. I think Rick Santorum said it best when he said that Cruz could stand on the Senate floor and talk. Problem is, Santorum thought that was a positive. And so do all those people outside of Texas that don’t have a clue about the work that David Dewhurst has done.

David Dewhurst might not be able to stand on the Senate floor and make a nice speech to an empty building but I guarantee you that David Dewhurst can solve problems in the hallways and back offices of the Senate.

And folks, we got a lot of problems that need solving. Don’t be fooled. Vote for David Dewhurst, the only person in this race that can honestly say that he is a proven conservative.

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