The International Longshoreman’s Association has walked away from federal negotiations talks. By way of Michelle Malkin’s site,Joe Bonney of the Journal of Commerce reported the “ILA walked out of NY-NJ local contract talks today, objecting to proposed changes“.
Why is the threat of a strike by the ILA relevant to the Texas SD-6 race?
Because the ILA is the warehouse local at the Port of Houston and The Port of Houston is located in Texas SD-6.
25{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of all beef shipped out of the United States (through an ocean port) goes through…yup, you guessed it..the Port of Houston. US pork exports would also be affected by a strike at the Port of Houston.
Maybe we shouldn’t be too concerned about Texas beef & pork producers; the candidates speaking at the SD-6 forum certainly weren’t.
…after all, these businesses only provide JOBS to fellow Texans.
..and it’s not like the pork producers support events like the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, right?
Some Texas beef & pork producing businesses could get pretty mad at Sylvia Garcia if word got out in the yard that she’s got the endorsement of the Harris County AFL-CIO and the Longshoreman…