By Ed Hubbard
Renewing the American Neighborhood: “Houston Strong” writ large
For several years now, Steve Parkhurst and I have been trying to introduce a working model of how the classical concepts of “liberty” and self-government could be re-kindled in the 21st Century—not just as an effective alternative to large, centralized and intrusive governments, and as an antidote to identity politics and political correctness, but also as a way to promote effective government through local action. Today, we launch Renewing the American Neighborhood as an ongoing project for Big Jolly Times.
On a new page, you will find the first foundational effort, our manifesto if you will, of the intellectual arguments supporting our effort. This manifesto will be followed by articles, interviews and podcasts over the next year that introduce people and organizations that are living the “liberty” we espouse, as well as living the self-governance and localism needed to turn true “liberty” into effective action. Eventually, we will begin to interview political candidates and elected officials, and will evaluate their campaigns and actions based on the principles underlying our effort.
We hope that you will visit this site often over the next few months, and interact with us here on Big Jolly Times. We don’t expect you to immediately embrace all of our ideas, but through interaction I hope we can convince enough of you that what we are promoting is a true direction for American conservatism in the 21st Century that will enrich the lives of you and your families, your neighbors, and your communities, while making government smaller and more effective.
Renewing the American Neighborhood – Houston Case Study, Feb 2018