Rather than try to define the current nullification movement, here are a few links for you to read on your own:
The featured speaker at the meeting was John Stacy. Mr. Stacy is very passionate about the issue, as were those in attendance. The focus of the current nullification thrust is the Healthcare Reform Bill being considered in the U.S. Congress. Mr. Stacy and others are calling for Texas Gov. Rick Perry to call a special session to pass a resolution stating that Texas will not implement any federal healthcare reform. He suggested that the attendees call their state reps and senators and have them pressure Gov. Perry into calling the session. And therein lies the problem. Well, one of the problems. Let me step back a bit.
Nullification, for better or worse, is inextricably tied to one of the deep wounds of our past, slavery. As such, it is going to be extremely difficult to gain the support of Black Americans. You can argue all day long that the civil war was not about slavery but instead about state’s powers being usurped by the Federal government but you are not going to change the mindset of the majority of the people in this country.
Another problem with this specific meeting is that Mr. Stacy and his group are a front for the insurance industry. To their credit, they do not hide it, stating clearly on their website, NotinTexas.org, that the founding members of The Alliance of Texans Against Government Controlled Healthcare are each independent insurance agents concerned about the government taking over their industry. I personally don’t care who stops this fraud as long as it is stopped but others might. I mean, I get fighting to save your job but I can see how someone could snicker at that passion displayed as patriotism.
But the biggest problem, and one they will not be able to overcome in Texas, is Governor Rick Perry himself. You see, Gov. Perry has his eyes on the White House. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in West Texas in August that he is going to call a special session to fight the federal government. Just because he yelled something about secession does not mean he is the friend of liberty minded folks, although some of them, mysteriously, continue to think he is.
Think about it for a second. This guy took it upon himself to order that all little girls in Texas be injected with a drug from his buddy’s firm to protect them from a few strains of a virus that is not a threat to the public at large. This guy took it upon himself to sell half of Texas to a company from Spain so that they could charge us to drive on it. This guy yelled at a Tea Party Rally that Barack Obama could shove his stimulus funds, then went in his office and called Joe Biden begging him to send said funds ASAP.
This guy is a fraud. No chance that he is going to be your friend on this. Or on anything else that gets in the way of a run at the White House.
A much better idea would be to elect a new governor, one that understands the Constitution and state’s powers. Debra Medina was well represented at this meeting and understands this issue.
Nullification is a great issue for conservatives but it must be presented in a nuanced, balanced, easily understandable way. After attending this meeting, I think that these groups are close to working that out and wish them all the luck in the world. But I would advise them not to hold their breath waiting for Rick Perry to deliver. Not going to happen.
Click here for more pictures from the event.
UPDATE: Eight minute audio of Mr. Stacy’s Nullification Plan: