Let’s take his bullet points one by one:
First he claims that Speaker Straus is “pro-abortion”. This is a lie and it has been proven to be a lie time and time again. Speaker Straus has been consistently pro-life; these people want to change the definition of that term to suit their own agenda. No. They cannot fabricate definitions at will.
Then he says that Speaker Straus is “anti-gun”. Another lie. Forget the fact that the NRA and the TSRA both give him “A” ratings – his family held the Remington firearms distributorship for a number of years! For crying out loud Mr. Myers, get a clue before you send this junk out.
Well this one is a first. Weak border control? Seriously? I can’t even comment on something so ridiculous. I guess Mr. Myers just likes the sound of that one.
Next is the gem of all gems. Speaker Straus authored the bill that produced the largest tax decrease in the state in decades. Speaker Straus’ House put out a budget that reduced general revenue spending. But really, I don’t know what Mr. Myers is saying here because I’m not sure what the big bold word “Taxas” means. I searched through four or five online dictionaries and couldn’t find a definition.
You’d think that as coordinator of a group that features a protest sign on its website that says TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already he would learn to spell “Taxes”. Just sayin’.
Let’s see, he’s hit all the other social con pegs, what could his last point possibly be? Ah, yes the old “pro-gay” line. He says that because Speaker Straus has stated that it might be preferable to have a child adopted by a homosexual couple than to have that same child starving and living under a bridge. How un-true-Christian is that?!
Do you know why Speaker Straus is going to be re-elected Speaker? First off, because he earned it with his performance as Speaker in 2009. The members aren’t fools – they recognize leadership when they see it.
The second reason is that for all the noise these groups make, their numbers and influence is actually pretty small, especially given that they are a subset of a relatively small group. If you’ll recall, I had David Benzion run a series of articles on the size and potential size of the tea parties in Texas. I realize that Benzion’s writing style is probably over the head of people like Mr. Myers but it isn’t over the heads of the members and their consultants. If you missed these articles, here they are:
- Looking Back to “Beyond Bush”
- Bringing the Texas Tea Party to a full boil
- Reading the demographic Tea Party leaves
- In victory, Tea Party faces its greatest challenge yet
- Smart or Stupid?
Here is a video that says the same thing I just said – their noise is greater than their numbers:
After all of those emails, all of that noise, how about them protests, eh?
There are some very good Tea Party groups in Texas that are trying to change government for the better. Some of them might even know how to spell the word taxes. I suggest that Mr. Myers’ group and any other group that passes around lies as truth aren’t on the same level.
If you care about truth and facts, get the facts about Speaker Straus by clicking here.