1. Who are you, and what are you running for?
I am Bonnie Crane Hellums, and I am running for re-election as Judge of the 247th Judicial District Court.
2. What kind of cases does this court hear?
This court hears family law cases including divorce, temporary orders, custody, contempt, establishment of paternity and modifications as well as CPS cases. In addition, I have a family drug court and an Infants and Toddlers Court.
3. Why are you running for this particular bench?
For this last sixteen years, I have had the honor of serving as the judge for this court, the 247th District Court. I have consistently had one of the highest rates for collections of child support in our courts. Because we are so inundated with work, there is a tendency to just handle what is before us today like we did yesterday. Over these years, I have come to realize that what we are doing is not working for everyone, and therefore, I have been willing to think outside the box and because of my unique qualifications been willing to try therapuetic courts to have more favorable outcomes for the children and families of Harris County. Six years ago, I started the Success Through Addiction Recovery (STAR) Family Intervention Court which is the only family drug court in Harris County. We have had many powerful, wonderful stories of successful reunifications of parents, in recovery from their addictions, with their children. Without this court, these parents would undoubtedly have been terminated and the children placed either in foster care or adopted. In addition, I have started an Infants and Toddlers Court that provides for greatly increased visitations between parents and young children who have CPS involvement. They receive parent coaching and help with bonding with and attachment to the children. If bonding cannot occur, the babies are moved to permanency much more quickly. I am wanting four more years to stabilze the innovative courts that I have started and have time to train someone to take over this court when I retire in four years.
4. What are your qualifications for this job?
In a previous life, before I became an attorney, I was a university administrator at both the University of Houston and Rice University. I have a BA in psychology and religion from SMU, a Master’s degree in counseling and guidance, higher education administration, and rehabilitation counseling from the University of Illinois, a JD from South Texas College of Law and have completed all but the thesis in a Masters of Judicial Studies from the University of Nevada, the National Judicial College, and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in Reno. I have received a Certificate in Family Law from the Texas Center for the Judiciary indicating a Proficiency in this area of the law. I have taught at Rice University and served as a guest lecturer at both South Texas College of Law and University of Houston Law School. I have lectured in the NITA program, for the ABA, at the Advanced Family Law seminar, the American Judicature Society, the Family Law Institute, for numerous Bar Associations across the state, in N Carolina, Florida, Illinois and numerous other states. I have been appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas as a Commissioner in the Supreme Court Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families which is directly involved with projects that better the situations in Texas for our families including procedures for CPS. I have been involved in numerous trainings for Amici, Ad Litems, and attorneys. In addition to the decrees mentioned above, I am also licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist and as an Advanced Addiction Counselor. Since easily 75{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the cases we hear involve allegations of alcohol and drug abuse, this is an issue I feel very strongly about and fortunately have been trained to recognize and deal with. I have served for many years as the Chair of the Facilities Committee for the Board of Judges attempting to get a new Family Law Center and spear headed the successful drive for the passage of the bond issue which would provide for bonds to be approved for that project.
Off the bench, besides the Commission mentioned above, I am one of the Trustees of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Secretary of American Leadership Forum, board of Theatre Under the Stars, Delta Gamma Foundation, Past president of 2nd Bomb Group, vice president of American World War II Network, board of the Satae Bar College, board member of Compudopt, Houston Junior Forum, past president of Houston Taipei Society, and Houston Sister Cities as well as many more organizations and causes.
5. Why is this race important?
Each of the family law courts in Harris County have over 7000 new cases filed each year, in addition to the contempts and modifications. Here is where the average citizen of Harris County comes in contact with the legal system. It is hard to find someone who does not either know someone who has gone through one of the family courts or has indeed gone through the system themselves. We need someone who knows what they are doing and is willing to consider looking at the system with a fresh view as to how to try to make things better. The citizens deserve a judge who knows the law, will apply the law, will work hard, hear cases and be fair. I have done all those things for sixteen years and promise to continue to do so. The lives of the families and children we work with on a daily basis deserve someone who has the experience and understanding of the weight and importance our decisions.
6. Why should people vote for you in November?
Because I am a dependable and consistent judge who has years of experience along with additional training and licenses surrounding the issues that are of the utmost importance to our citizens. I am very involved with the community and give back a great deal of time to better Houston. I am called by other judges for advice on how to handle issues around alcohol and drugs and have been responsible for providing an avenue for litigants to save many families that would ended in termination in any other setting. My training is unique and valuable to the children and families that appear before me. My slogan of “Give’em Hellums” kinda sums it up!