Candidate for Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush kicked off his statewide bus tour today in Pasadena at the SE Harris County Republican Headquarters, which is a project of the San Jacinto Republican Women. There was a good turnout to greet Bush, approximately 50 people crammed into the front office to listen to his stump speech.
Harris County Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill was Master of Ceremonies. Pasadena Mayor Johnny Isbell read Bush’s bio and then former State Sen. Mike Jackson introduced Bush. Listen to Jackson’s intro and Bush’s speech:
He focused on federal encroachment by saying that we cannot let anyone infringe our 2nd Amendment rights, cannot let partial birth abortion come to Texas, and we must not apologize for creating jobs. Later, he said the biggest three issues we face in Texas are (1) Education reform, (2) taking care of our veterans, and (3) continue to lead the nation in job creation.
Other elected officials on hand were State Sen. Larry Taylor and Harris County District Clerk Chris Daniel.
Click here for the bus tour schedule.
Oddly enough his grand-daddy infringed our 2A rights with his executive decree barring imports of certain sport utility rifles.
His uncle trashed what was left of free enterprise in order to ‘save’ it…I think we can see where that’s gotten us.
And his dad awards H.Clinton a ‘Medal of Liberty’ for ‘her ongoing advocacy efforts on behalf of women and girls around the globe.’ Pardon me, but WTH?
As land commish, he’ll have lots of time to run for his next office, as all he has to do is make sure the psf is maintained.
This Bush is really not ready to be a warm-up act let alone a headliner.