From the EGCCA invitation:
This Meeting will feature Eric Story, candidate for United State Congress, district 29; utilizing his vast experience and contacts with foreign nationals to educate us in the state of affairs in Iran, and South America; specifically in Honduras, with its recent upheaval. He will be bringing us firsthand knowledge from an Iranian citizen, named Manouchehr Mohammadi. Concerning Honduras, he is speaking with the knowledge given by a Honduran regarding their recent battle to restore their constitution. He will tie these events to the unconstitutional acts from our own current leadership, and the meaning of nullification.
Also at this meeting will be representatives of the governmental candidates Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Debra Medina, introducing their candidates with a short address. They will be back at our February meeting on the 25th where they (not necessarily the same representatives-and maybe in some cases-the candidates themselves) will be the featured speakers
The location of the China Ko restaurant is on the East Sam Houston Parkway between Wallisville & Woodforest, on the North side of the Parkway. Coming East (from North I-45 or I-59) take the Woodforest exit, make a u-turn at Woodforest and come down the access road to the China Ko restaurant. The phone number there is: 281-452-3120. My cell number is: 713-412-0822. RSVP to my home phone: 281-444-1190.
When: Thursday Evening, January 28
Time: 06:00 P.M.>9:00 P.M.
Place: China Ko Restaurant Location: 5310 East Sam Houston Parkway, Houston, 77015
Cost: Your meal – Buffet – $15.00, which includes drinks and gratuity
Click here for a map to the location.
Here are a few links about Mr. Manouchehr Mohammadi:
His Facebook profile:
Hope to see you there!