Via the New York Times, Maureen Dowd’s column, and her brother:
My Brother Kevin’s Not Tired of Winning
Every time I hear Neil Gorsuch’s name, I smile.
But the Republicans do have a problem. They are in total control and have not passed any major legislation. They cannot let large egos — theirs and Trump’s — get in the way of this opportunity. They are also facing a rear-guard attack by Steve Bannon, who brings his own army of candidates with him. I’m not a Bannon fan. But he’s holding Republicans’ feet to the fire, which should be done.
The Democrats have their own issues. Their leaders are all on Medicare and cling to power like a drunk hugging his bottle of schnapps at last call. Liz and Bernie want the party to be more liberal, as if that were possible. If they move any further left, they will be driving in Britain.
Their more pressing problem is Hillary, now in exile on her endless book tour. She continues to hover above the party like some giant pterodactyl of Christmas Past.
Here is my holiday list of Things That Do Not Bother Me:
Trump’s daily activity: I do not follow every move he makes. I counsel my Democratic friends to do the same, but they cannot help themselves.
Trump’s minor battles: The N.F.L. players were disrespecting the American flag and were not called out by their gutless commissioner in a timely fashion. LaVar Ball is a publicity whore who cannot grasp that his son (and meal ticket) would have gone to jail without the president’s intervention.
Trump’s interaction with dictators: If President Obama had done it, he would have been given the Nobel Peace Prize. (That already happened?)
Robert Mueller’s investigation: So far, no direct connection with Trump himself on the Russia collusion. But it did find collusion with Hillary and the D.N.C. on the dossier. Luckily, she has several donors on Mueller’s staff ready to offer legal advice.
Trump pressuring the Department of Justice: If Jeff Sessions cannot find prosecutable evidence against James Comey, Loretta Lynch and Hillary, he should go back to the Senate.
Nepotism: Ivanka and Jared? Surely you jest. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t think they have any effect on anything. If this were a movie, they wouldn’t even be in the credits.
Presented without comment.
David Vargha says
The bottom-line is that his performance has been better than I had hoped for, and is light years ahead of a Hillary Clinton presidency. That’s all the defense of POTUS that is needed.
Bill Miller says
Presidents come, and presidents go. All things considered, I considered him to be the least bad option. His legacy is to be found in his judicial appointmemts.
Also, the election of Donald Trump will IMHO accelerate the eventual break-up of the Umited States, which would be the best solution to the current crisis.
DanMan says
what crisis?
Alexander Shaskevich says
The US will break up?
That is as likely as Bill Clinton being faithful to Hillary. 3 states ( or areas ) that would want to break from the US. California, New York and Chicago. West Coast, Northeast, and Midwest liberals. Those are all Democrat strongholds. Sure every leftist in California voted for Hillary and gave he the largest vote getter, but the rest of the country held their nose and voted for Donald Trump. Over time we accept him. Once taxes are cut, regulations are cut, then economy takes off and everything will be fine.
BillMiller says
The US is more divided now than at any time since 1861. I agree with John Derbyshire that the US is now in a civil war – a sort of cold civil war that occasionally runs hot. One third of the country are essentially communist, one third are people on the right becoming even more hard right, and one third remains oblivious as usual.
I lived in Germany in the late 1980s. No one thought that in just a few short years we would see the collapse of The Wall, and the concomitant collapse of communism in Europe. Looking back, it’s abundantly obvious that in the late 1980s communism in Europe was taking its last gasp.
I just hope that I live long enough to see the coming break-up of the “United” States.