Here is Mr. Obergs latest report on the issue.
Pay very close attention to the end of that report. Here is the transcript from ABC 13:
On Friday, she told reporters she is curious why no New York City police officers died in the towers when so many firefighters did. That’s not true, however, as 60 police officers were killed.
His actual words were:
And today told reporters that she is curious why no New York City police officers died in the towers, when so many firefighters did. It’s simply not true. Dozen’s of New York City police officers were killed, Ms. Medina. (begins at the 3:30 mark)
Now, here is her complete answer to Phil Archer’s question:
Debra Medina on “Important Questions” from Big Jolly Politics on Vimeo.
The only comparison between Mr. Oberg’s condescension and Mrs. Medina’s answer is that she mentioned firefighters and police officers. Note that she begins by saying that it was eight or nine years ago and that she could be mistaken.
Now before you start in, I don’t think this is media “bias” against Mrs. Medina. I don’t know why Mr. Oberg reported it like he did, which has resulted in even more ridicule for Mrs. Medina. All I know is that when I was sitting in the press conference listening, I didn’t come away with the perception that she was “curious” about that subject. And I don’t get that perception after watching it again.
So there you go. Watch and decide for yourself. I’m just trying to bring a little “truth” (ha) into this race and I would do the same if it were Gov. Perry or Sen. Hutchison that we were talking about. There used to be a lot of people willing to do that. It seems as if there are fewer and fewer of us trying (not that I always get it right) to point out the truth and more and more people seeing a reporter say something and throwing it around as the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me I can’t be bothered to check.