It was a small but curious group that listened to Mrs. Medina in the music building at the college. Typically, these things are attended mostly by people that have already made up their mind to support a candidate and are there to either support that decision or reaffirm it. I didn’t get the sense that the attendees fit that mold. In fact, I think they were seriously interested in learning more about a candidate few had heard of.
And they definitely got an education on what she stands for. She has really, truly honed her speaking skills and I have no doubt that she will be able to compete with her more experienced foes come debate time. She was concise but thorough and even admitted that she still had some things to study up on. You will not see Rick Perry or Kay Bailey Hutchison ever admit that they might need to sharpen up their knowledge on any subject. Rather, they spin off into generalities.
I did record the meeting and have a few soundbites. The first one was a nice shot at Gov. Rick Perry for his asinine executive order that all little girls in the state have a needle stuck in their arms and what amounted to an experimental drug injected into their bodies. This was in answer to a question from an audience member about that order. The question was: What do you think about Gov. Rick Perry’s order to vaccinate all girls in the state? (click here for podcast)
Nice. She went on to detail why it was a stupid order but I thought that 15 seconds summed it up nicely.
The second clip is her talking about her view of the three pillars of society: Indiviual and Family, Church and Community, and Government. (click here for podcast)
And the last is her answer to border security. I liked it because it wasn’t some quick bullet point list that can’t be done, she talks about the frustration of dealing with the issue and she showed that she is beginning to understand the complexities of the problem but wasn’t afraid to admit that she was still learning. This is a longer clip but worth the listen if you have an open mind about this race. (Note: at one point the sound drops off for a couple seconds, she put the mic down to make a sweeping motion with her arms.) (click here for podcast)
All in all, I was impressed. It was great to hear a true alternative for conservatives. Click here to go to her website.