Jack is young and will face a lot of challenges because of that. The left is already claiming that the only reason he won is because his predecessor had a Spanish surname – that criticism is going to take time to overcome because the Houston Chronicle seems intent upon maintaining it. Some party insiders are concerned that Jack will be a puppet vote for Commissioner Steve Radack because of the connection to Mike Fleming. Others are angry because during his campaign he promised not to end the very popular senior programs prevalent in all precincts – they think he was elected not on merit but as part of a wave. In other words, they buy into the notion spread by the left that he didn’t campaign. Jack is just beginning to feel the tug of war that all politicians feel.
So, me being me, I’m going to offer Jack some advice. First off, there is only one person that cares about you and you only, Jack – Andi. Lean on her, depend on her, and trust her to give you honest advice. Second, follow the lead of Judge Ed Emmett – there is no finer public servant to mentor you. Lastly, follow the advice that Pastor Denham gave you: Be a good public servant but remember that your faith in God comes first – be a good, fair, and just man in all that you do. If you heed these three things, Jack, people will remember you not as an Infrastructure Commissioner, but as a man worthy of their vote and respect.
Mass Swearing In of Harris County Officials
After leaving the 17th floor, I wandered down to the first floor for the mass swearing in ceremony of any Harris County official that needed to be sworn in. Judge Emmett led this proceeding but only after he was sworn in by Judge Jack Cagle. During his remarks about the ceremony, Judge Emmett mentioned that, yeah, it was crowded and not fancy, and that former Judge Robert Eckels had rented a ballroom and did it up right, but that he, Judge Emmett, wasn’t going to use his campaign funds to do that. To that, I shouted “Cheapskate”. Whereupon someone whacked me upside the head – Judge Sheri Y. Dean. I’d hate to appear in her court.
Here is what a mass swearing in looks like:
Everyone was in a fine mood. Except maybe County Attorney Vince Ryan, the accidental county attorney swept in on the Obama wave. He did look a bit out of sorts. But as for me and the rest of the Republicans in the house, it was a great day.
Way to many people there try and list them all but a few I recall were Stan Stanart, Chris Daniel, Judge David Farr, Justice o Peace Jeff Williams, Judge Roberta Lloyd, State Reps Debbie Riddle and Allen Fletcher, Judge Denise Pratt, County Treasurer Orlando Sanchez, Judge Jay Karahan, Judge Glenn Devlin, and of course, the judge with the strong backhand, Judge Sheri Y. Dean.