From the InBox:
Texas Congressional Candidate Cassy Garcia Launches “UNIQUE AS A TACO” T-Shirt and Merch
SAN ANTONIO (July 12, 2022) — Following Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D.’s gaffe-filled visit to a “Latinx IncluXion” conference in San Antonio where she said Hispanics are “unique” as tacos, South Texas Republican congressional candidate Cassy Garcia launched her campaign’s merch store, Store visitors can buy a “UNIQUE AS A TACO” t-shirts, bumper stickers, and other merch that will be unveiled in the coming days.
“Jill Biden said the quiet part out loud yesterday. Woke Democrats don’t know us or our culture. Their understanding of Hispanics goes no deeper than a taco. Unfortunately for them, we’re voters,” said Cassy Garcia.
Garcia, a South Texas native who was recently labeled a “far-right Latina” by The New York Times for attending church with her family, also pushed back against liberal media bias against conservative Hispanics.
“CNN and The New York Times attack me because I’m fighting for the people of my community. Hispanics want a strong economy, safe communities for our families, and an end to the chaos at the border — not the radical policies of Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, like Henry Cuellar.”
Recent surveys show Democrats struggling with Hispanics nationally and in Texas. According to a July 2022 New York Times poll, Joe Biden’s approval rating with Hispanics nationwide stands at 32%. In Texas, Biden is at 30% among Hispanics.
This is how Republicans win. Laugh a little. Have principled policies. Laugh a little more. Let people know that you want them to enjoy life. Laugh loud and laugh often.
DanMan says
good luck Cassie!
Patrick Hubbell says
Love it when a good candidate can flip an idiot on his/her head. There is no shortage of good political slogans out there. We just have to pay more attention when the Democrats spew them out for us.