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Cardboard John Cornyn gets a challenger

Immigration attorney and activist Linda Vega enters the race for U.S. Senate in Texas:


Linda Vega Announces Run for Senate
Speech Presented by Linda Vega

Press Conference
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Good morning and thank you for being here with us today.

My name is Linda Vega.

For the last two years, I’ve been traveling across this great state of Texas meeting with fellow Texans of all walks of life. From Lubbock to Abilene, to Dallas, from  Houston to Austin, to San Antonio, from El Paso to Corpus Christi, Laredo, and the Rio Grande Valley. In all of those visits, I met with hardworking people who are proud of their state. People who are business owners, cattle ranchers, oil laborers, teachers, police officers, and students. They are all working toward their dream of living in a country and a state that believes in the freedom of enterprise, hard work, and limited government. I found that their story is my story.

In Washington, D.C., they don’t have the same values we have here in Texas. In Washington, D.C., they believe in entitlements and spending money they don’t have. They believe in limiting your freedom and curtailing the ability of the private sector to create jobs.

Seven of the top 10 cities for future job growth are right here in Texas! We should be proud of the pro-job growth policies that Texas has. As our population doubles in the next 30 years, we need to look toward the future in Texas and create more jobs with an educated labor pool for all Texans. I want to work on that.

I am a strong believer of the Reagan ideals that hard work is what determines the character of who you are. In Texas, we work hard and that is why our character is strong. Our success is because of a strong Republican leadership led by Gov. Perry and a Republican legislature. We must protect what works here in Texas from the Washington,D.C. failures. We must protect Texas freedom, businesses, and her citizens from an overreaching big federal government.

In Texas, we are a free people. We will fight hard to make sure Obama and his policies don’t take away our freedom.

Lately, when I look around, I see two Americas. One with hardworking people, limited government, and private enterprise that is found in the Texas that I love. On the other hand, I see a bureaucratic mess in Washington, D.C. spending money that isn’t there. This is why Americans are angry; who can blame us.

Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am announcing that I am running for U.S. Senate as a Republican. As your senator, I will put the country first and defend our freedom in Texas.

You can read the entire speech by clicking here.

I think this is an awesome development for the Republican Party of Texas for many reasons. First and foremost is that it will force Cardboard John Cornyn to go one of two ways. He’ll either articulate his support for comprehensive immigration reform or he’ll decide to do what the Lt. Gov. candidates have done and run to the right of State Sen. Dan Patrick. Which is an exercise in cliff diving but that’s for another day. The main thing is that we should be able to get a glimpse of who the real John Cornyn is. Which has been tough because he is very skilled at avoiding direct questioning and confrontation. Or just not showing up because he thinks he is entitled to the job. Surely you recall his skipping events with real live Texas Republican Primary voters:

Another reason I think this is a good development is that I know Linda Vega. She is extremely articulate and I think closer to the mindset of those people that vote Republican in November but choose to distance themselves from party identification in March. We haven’t had candidates lately that were willing to fight for the November voters until after the primary when they switch positions. Cardboard John will have to walk very carefully with her candidacy. The problem Cardboard John will have is that she has a following among some in the grassroots, and the media will pick up on her campaign because she is a Latina. Everything Cornyn says or does will be scrutinized and will be characterized as either patronizing her, hurting Hispanic outreach, or battling with the grassroots. Obviously, by his actions, Cardboard John doesn’t care if he battles the grassroots. But his problem will be those other points. Those other voters. If Vega can get them to turn out, which is admittedly unlikely, Cardboard John will have a huge problem in a Republican primary. Even if she can’t do that, Vega will still highlight Cardboard John’s inability to stand up and fight for what he believes in.

And that is both the problem and solution to November 2014. If we can get Cardboard John to stand up for traditional Republican values, we can undercut the “Wendy Davis urban effect” and protect our down ballot judges. I get it, that is a bit complicated and deserves a full explanation in another post. If we can’t get Cardboard John to stand up for those November voters in the March primary, we’re going to have a fight on our hands to “Keep Texas Red”.

So I’m thankful that Linda Vega is willing to stick her neck out and try to help the Republican Party of Texas in 2014. We need all the help we can get, especially in urban areas like Harris County.


And speaking of Cardboard John, I find it ironic that he is willing to pose with cardboard versions of Louisiana residents but unwilling to meet with Texas voters. Seriously, is that a good thing for Texas? Our U.S. Senator is going to be more popular with Texas voters by posing with cardboard images of guys from a popular reality show than he would be by meeting with Texas voters? It’s probably just me but I don’t see that. But who cares? After all, Cardboard John’s supporters have already said I’ve gone off the deep end.


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