This is a guest post by Stan Burton, a Republican Alternate judge working the current election.
My name is Stan Burton, I am the Republican Alternate Judge at early voting location SRD141B. Felicia Cravens, the AJ at Tracy Gee contacted me today and asked me to check something for her. She and her Presiding Judge had been doing an audit of provisional ballots to verify that she had all the ballots the system said she did to make sure they had all been entered and had discovered something disturbing, but first some explanation is in order. When you search for a voter in the e-pollbooks software on the Apple iPads, if the voter record is found four things will show up typically, either: red “Mail in ballot requested”, “Mail in ballot sent”, “Voted early”, or there will be a green “select” button indicating no impediment to vote.
What Felicia found was a large number of voters not showing “voted early” but instead still indicating “mail in ballot requested” or “mail in ballot sent”, and some showing green as if they had not voted at all. So she called me and asked me to check to see if this was a systemic problem or was an isolated problem for her location only.
I didn’t find any green voters, but HALF were still indicating that they had not voted early. So I contacted Mike Palmquist to ask him to check his provisional ballots. The very first one he picked up was green. He had JUST VOTED THIS VOTER A FEW MINUTES EARLIER. Mind you all of these are mail in ballots that had not been surrendered in order to vote early. Those mail in ballots may still be in play as well. We only have the voters word that they have been destroyed.
Houston, we have a problem.
If it does not say “voted early” these voters can go elsewhere and vote provisionally again. And in the case of the green voters, they don’t even have to vote provisionally, their votes go straight into the count. Felicia and I have both tried to report this to Chris Hollins’ office and have received no reply to our calls. All three of these instances have been reported to Alan Vera.
Looks like Mr. Hollins’ and his party’s plans are working as designed. Cheat by mail is the ultimate way to blow past voter ID I’d say.
Felicia Cravens, the person that first noticed this was written up for documenting the issue and bringing it to the attention of the HCGOP ballot security committee.