Big Jolly Politics is my attempt to tell the truth, the whole truth and let the chips fall where they may.
I’m David Jennings and have been blogging about life and politics since the early nineties, long before blogs became popular. They started out as weblogs, basically journals of your personal experiences. At some point they morphed into multiuser sites and have put a huge dent in the monopoly that the traditional media has on the information that the public has access to, which is a very, very good thing.
My goal here is to have “voices” that represent many sides of conservatism and Republicanism. As well as libertarianism. Perhaps from time to time liberalism, although there are so many of those “voices” out there I don’t think there is a true need for more. If you have a “voice” that you think needs to be heard, contact me via email or the contact page in the menu structure.